Sean McGowan
Year Graduated: 2007
First Job: The Boeing Company – Software Engineer on the Iridium Project
Favorite Course:
Tough question, but I would probably have to choose The History of Math w/ Dr. Sumner because it was that class that made me decide between math and physics as a major; however, in a close tie for second, Real Analysis, Topology, and Abstract Algebra were my favorite subjects.
Memorable Experiences in the Classroom:
Having to choose UMW–with its liberal arts reputation–based solely on proximity, I was nervous about the quality of the departments in any of the hard sciences. I was nothing but impressed with the mathematics faculty. It was more than I knew to hope for, with everyone there being knowledgeable, experienced, accessible, and supportive at every step of the way.
Memorable Experiences Outside the Classroom:
I very much miss doing crosswords and reading on a nice spring day on a bench outside Trinkle.
Why Should Somebody Study Mathematics at UMW?
Attending lectures in mathematics at UMW ranks among my all-time best memories. I am truly proud to have been a part of the program.