Marianne Dubinsky
Year Graduated: 2012
First Job after UMW: Booz Allen Hamilton – Senior Consultant
Notable accomplishments/activities while at UMW:
2008 All-CAC Women’s Soccer First Team Selection, Graduated Magna Cum Laude with departmental honors, Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honors Society, UMW Deans List (2008, 2009, 2011, 2012), UMW President’s List (2009, 2010, 2012), Mathematics Department Chair Selection (2011, 2012), and UMW Summer Science Institute (2011).
Favorite course(s):
I really loved them all, but if I had to differentiate a few (no pun intended), the classes that I enjoyed taking exams for were: Multivariable Calculus, Abstract Algebra I and II, and Chaotic Dynamical Systems.
Memorable experiences in the classroom:
Eating gummy butterflies while taking exams in Dr. Sumner’s class, when Dr. Helmstutler used to wear bow ties every day, Dr. Chiang’s encouraging and enthusiastic style of teaching, how Dr. Esunge would call exams celebrations… there are too many to list!
Memorable experiences outside the classroom:
I will never forget my research experience with Dr. Esunge. Having such a knowledgeable and thorough adviser prepared me for my current job, and I was able to learn so much from him and about him. I also loved participating in Mathfest and the Joint Mathematics Meetings because I got to spend time with mathematics professors and students outside the classroom, and I got to see how vast and interesting the world of research is. I had never even considered the mathematics behind juggling before last year!
Why should somebody study mathematics at UMW?
The main reason I would encourage somebody to study mathematics at UMW is the professors. They are intelligent, genuine, and welcoming people, and truly the best teachers I have ever had. They will teach you that learning is interesting and fun, but also hard work. They have high standards for what they consider to be quality work, but they are eager to help you reach these standards. Not only this, but the class sizes in the math department are small, which is a crucial aspect of a learning environment. Everyone in the class becomes comfortable with one another, which leads to new questions and ideas. I learned so much in 4 years, and I would recommend my experience to anyone.