Faculty Research Grants
(Summer stipend, course release grants)
The purpose of the Faculty Research Grants (‘FRG’) program is to provide money and/or time for full-time faculty members affiliated with the College of Arts and Sciences (‘CAS’) at the University of Mary Washington (UMW) to carry out scholarly and creative/artistic projects.
Applicants may request one of the following:
- $4,000 summer stipend and up to an additional $500 in expenses
- up to $4,500 in expenses only
- A course release for the fall or spring semester of the award year
The outcome for all proposals in this category is ultimately the submission of a completed scholarly work (or creative project) to an appropriate peer-reviewed medium or to some other comparable public forum appropriate to the person’s academic discipline and the nature of the project.
DEADLINES FOR Academic Year 2019-2020
Application Due Date – November 4, 2019
- Funding Period: July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021
- Awards announced – January 31, 2020
- Report Due: May 15, 2021
How to Apply
- Create one document that consists of completed the application and any supporting material necessary for the evaluation of the application.
- Submit an electronic copy (PDF – one document format) and a hard copy of the document to the Office of the Dean of CAS by the grant application deadline. In the hard copy, the cover sheet must be signed by the applicant and department chair. Submit electronic copy to Martha Link.
Grant Procedure
The recommendations of the Faculty Development and Grants Committee (‘the Committee’) are forwarded to the Dean of CAS, who will review and announce the awards by January 31 of the current academic year. At the end of the grant period, a final report must be submitted to the Office of the Dean.
Examples of Approved Applications
Below are links to the Faculty Research information pages and the current application:
Application 2019
Eligibility and Restrictions
Proposal Format and Guidelines
Review Process
Final Report
Previous Awards
Faculty Development Research Grants are reviewed by the Committee and the Dean. The following approvals are listed by academic year.
Academic Year