URES 197
URES 197 is a course in which a student conducts individual or group research as a part of a faculty member’s research project. This guided research experience is open to all students, including first- and second-year students, who meet the qualifications set by the faculty member in charge of the research project. Students serve as research apprentices who conduct important tasks with the faculty member on his or her project and learn about the process and products of the research as a result.
Course credit is a function of the hours worked per week. Each one hour of course credit requires three hours of research work per week, and a student can register for up to three course credits on one particular URES 197 project. The course may be repeated once, and a maximum of 6 credits in URES 197 courses may be counted toward graduation. Permission of the instructor and the Department is required for students interested in enrolling in URES 197.
All URES 197 projects require that students complete a final report about their work on the research project. The nature of this required final report is determined by the faculty member supervising the research project.