CSL Placements
For more information about what the CSL program entails click here.
Organization | Distance | Phone Number | Contact Name | Address | Website | |
Alternative Paths Training School | <10 miles | 703-348-5361 (ext 026) | Tim Hall | N/A | 21 Smokehouse Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | https://www.aptsinc.org/ |
Birthright of Fredericksburg, Inc. | <10 miles | 540-898-8558 | Rosemary O’Grady | birthrightfred@gmail.com | 2006 Lafayette Blvd Suite 202, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | https://birthright.org/fredericksburg |
Chaplin Youth Center | <10 miles | 540-755-2636 | Sandy Corvin | sandy@officeonyouth.org | 12000 Kennedy Lane Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 | https://www.officeonyouth.org/residential-services |
Childhelp USA Inc. | <10 miles | 540-938-9471 | Jasmin Giles-Kelley | jkelley@childhelp.org | 23164 Dragoon Rd, Lignum, VA 22726 | https://www.childhelp.org/ |
disAbility Resource Center | <10 miles | 540-373-2559 | Seth Whitten | drc@cildrc.org | 409 Progress St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | http://www.cildrc.org/ |
Downtown Greens | <10 miles | 540-371-7315 | Em Ford | gardens@dtg.org | 206 Charles Street, Fredericksburg, VA, 22401 | http://downtowngreens.org/ |
Fredericksburg Department of Social Services Parenting Education Program | <10 miles | 540-372-1032 ext. 246 | Kristina Rigsby | kristinarigsby@dss.virginia.gov | 608 Jackson Street Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | N/A |
Fredericksburg Parks and Recreation | <10 miles | 540-372-1086 | Maggie Sanford | mlsanford@fredericksburgva.gov | 408 Canal St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | https://www.fredericksburgva.gov/1994/Parks-Recreation-Events |
Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity | <10 miles | 540-891- 4401 | Lucy Godwin | lucy.pintouri-godwin@fredhab.org | 2376 Plank Rd, Fredericksburg, VA, 22401 | N/A |
Hazel Hill Homework Club | <2 miles | 202-794-7852 | Anaïs Malangu | amalangu@nhtinc.org | 100 Princess Anne St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mYpyDq_mJAQIc21AmdcQP-bNxXEikEGxygnsKhBX5xU/edit?usp=sharing |
Head Start Fredericksburg | <10 miles | 540-368-2559 | Katie Dyson Bernstein | dysonbernsteinmk@staffordschools.net | 610 Gayle St, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 | N/A |
King George Parks and Recreation Youth Volunteer Corps | <30 miles | 540-775-4386 | Vivian Shelton | vshelton@co.kinggeorge.state.va.us | 8076 Kings Hwy, King George, VA 22485 | https://yvc.org/ |
Mary Washington Hospital | <10 miles | 540-741-1440 | Candace Trull | candace.trull@mwhc.com | 1001 Sam Perry Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | https://www.marywashingtonhealthcare.com/patients-visitors/volunteers/ |
Mental Health America Fredericksburg | <10 miles | 540-371-2704 | Hailey Jobin | haileyjobin@mhafred.org | 150 Olde Greenwich Drive Suite 102, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 | http://mhafred.org/ |
Micah Ministries | <10 miles | 540-200-8373 | Alacia Harrison | alacia@dovewalk.net | 1013 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | http://www.micahfredericksburg.org/ |
Moss Free Clinic | <10 miles | 540-582-1061 (ext 119) | N/A | info@mossfreeclinic.org | 1301 Sam Perry Blvd Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | N/A |
On Cloud 9 Dog Daycare and Pet Boarding | <30 miles | 540-775-5353 | Dawn Veale | hello@oncloud9petcare.com | 13543 Shiloh Loop, King George, VA 22485 | https://www.oncloud9petcare.com/ |
Paramount Senior Living | <10 miles | 540-785-3600 | Megan Duty | mduty@paramountsl.net | 3500 Meekins Dr. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | https://www.paramountseniorliving.com/paramount-communities/paramount-senior-living-at-fredericksburg/ |
Pathways Behavioral Health | N/A | 443-690-5857 | Amber Shriver | ashriver@pbhaba.com | Multiple Addresses | http://www.pathwaysbehavioralhealth.net/ |
Play Therapy Essentially LLC | <10 miles | 844-441-4409 (ext 1) | Joanne Thomas | inquiry@playtherapy-edmr.org | 4821 Carr Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22408 | https://playtherapy-edmr.org |
Rappahannock Big Brothers Big Sisters | <10 miles | 540-371-7444 | Sandra Erickson | info@rbbbs.org | 325 Wallace St. # A, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | http://www.rbbbs.org/ |
Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault (RCASA) | <10 miles | 540-371-6771 | Angie Coleman | angie@rcasa.org | 615 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 201, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | http://www.rcasa.org/ |
Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center | <10 miles | 540-891-6280 | Elizabeth McMaoly | cacsafeharbor@gmail.com | 305 Hanson Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | http://www.safeharborva.org/ |
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) | <10 miles | 540-898-1500 (ext 7) | Lily Stemberger | volunteer@fredspca.org | 10819 Courthouse Road Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 | http://fburgspca.org/ |
Stafford Emergency Relief Through Volunteer Efforts, Inc | <10 miles | 540-288-9603 | Trevor Courtney | trevor.courtney@service-helps.org | 15 Upton Lane, Stafford, VA 22554 | http://serve-helps.org/ |
Stafford Junction Brain Builders | <10 miles | 540-368-0081 | Crystan Rice | crice@staffordjunction.org | 791 Truslow Rd. Fredericksburg, VA 22405 | https://staffordjunction.org/brain-builders |
Thurman Brisben Homeless Shelter | <10 miles | 540-899-9853 (ext 133) | Ren Mickens | lmickens@brisbencenter.org | 471 Central Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 | http://www.brisbencenter.org/ |