Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Psych Reps
The student representatives (a.k.a. psych reps) are a group of psychology students who organize and run various events related to the Department of Psychological Science. These events include the Fall Picnic and Senior Happy Hour, among others.
Additionally, the psych reps hold majors’ meetings, attend faculty meetings to keep the professors informed about what’s going on with the students, and get information from professors to answer student questions. They organize student lunches to meet with people who are being interviewed at the school to become possible professors. Generally, they give valuable input from the student body to the psychology faculty on topics of relevance to the department.
Students have to run to be elected as psych reps by posting their information on the rep board towards the end of the spring semester. There are always four reps, and they are elected by the Psych majors.
Eric Undeland

Hey there! My name is Eric Undeland and I am a junior here at UMW. I’m passionate about making sure the Psych Department is the best it can be, so if you see me around, I’m always open to listen about how we can make our amazing department even better! I am a Psych major hoping to eventually become a licensed counselor. I love getting to know people and equipping them any way I know how, which is why I’m pursuing that career. I am also involved with The Center for Faith and Leadership (right across from the UC) as well as YoungLife, where I lead at Riverbend High School. A fun fact about me is over winter break I lived in Portland, Oregon. If you need something, whether it’s something with the department, a question about UMW, or anything really, text or call me at 703-399-9038 or email me at eundelan@mail.umw.edu
Gracie Iezzi (she/her)

Hello, I am Gracie Iezzi and I am from Richmond, Virginia. I am a senior psychology major with a minor in contemplative studies. I plan to attend graduate school after my time at UMW and get my Master of Education to become a licensed practicing counselor. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, time outdoors, and listening to music! Fun fact, my family has owned an ice cream truck for twelve going on thirteen years! I am excited to be a psychology representative to do fun events with the department and get to know our awesome faculty better. If you have any questions comments or concerns, please contact me at Giezzi@mail.umw.edu!
Kyleigh Friel (she/her)

My name is Kyleigh (she/her) and I am one of your psych reps! I love theatre, singing, and research. I am interested in behaviorism and IO psychology. I work at the speaking and writing center as well as with the rats in mercer. Reach out if you need anything! (kfriel@mail.umw.edu)
Mia Dansie (she/her)

Mia is a senior with a major in Psychology and minor in Contemplative studies. Outside of taking classes, she is a Transfer Peer mentor for New Student Programs, an officer of the Yarnworks Club, an avid cat enthusiast, and has a radio show. Mia is looking to go to graduate school within the next two years in hope of becoming a licensed practicing counselor. She enjoys learning about weird aspects of psychology as well as doing anything creative that you can challenge her to. Mia looks forward to being there for all psychology students this year, as well as cautioning them on the dangers of roller skating during finals. Fun fact, she ended up in the ER with a broken ankle. (adansie@mail.umw.edu)