After the fall of the Taliban in 2001, political stakeholders in Afghanistan went to work to write a constitution and lay the foundation of a new, democratic political system. A significant focus of this nation-building effort was to provide representation and rights to women. Our speakers will discuss these processes, the outcomes of these efforts […]
Topics related to WGST (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies).
Professor Cooperman Receives Teaching Innovation Award
Congratulations to Rosalyn Cooperman for recently being honored with a Teaching Innovation Award by the New Research on Gender and Political Psychology Network!! This award honors her efforts to combat public speaking anxiety in her women and politics class. This award is well-deserved, and congrats again!! Click out the full award from NRGPPN!
Professor Cooperman on Women Congressional Candidates and Campaign Finance
Professor Cooperman joined a Facebook Live panel to discuss the book, “Politicking While Female: The Political Lives of Women,” and her chapter, “On the Money: Assessing the Campaign Finance Networks of Women Congressional Candidates.” Check out LSU’s panel on Facebook for the discussion.
Rebecca Jacobi (’20) Interview
Rebecca Jacobi graduated in 2020 and currently has an internship with the Feminist Majority Foundation as a Digital Organizer. In this interview she talks about why she chose majors in International Affairs and WGST and how both departments guided her to where she is today: Interview with Rebecca Jacobi ’20.
Paige McKinsey (’15) Interview
Paige graduated in 2015 and is currently a Masters Program Student at George Washington University. In this interview she talks about why she chose majors in International Affairs and WGST and how both departments guided her to where she is today: Interview With Paige McKinsey ’15.