Program Director, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Ph.D., University of Southern California

Areas of Specialization:
- International Political Economy
- Politics of Globalization
- Comparative Politics of South Asia
- Indian Foreign Policy
- Gender and Development
Scholarly Activities:
- “Economic nationalism and India-US trade relations during the Modi-Trump Years,” India Review, 22:2, 2023.
- “The Political Economy of India’s Macroeconomic Policy,” in Sumit Ganguly and Eswaran Sridharan, Oxford Handbook of Indian Politics, Oxford University Press (forthcoming, 2023)
- “India’s engagement with the International Monetary Fund: Growing into an ownership role,” Contemporary South Asia, 30:2, 2022.
- “Regional Trade and Investment in South Asia,” in Sumit Ganguly and Frank O’Donnell, Routledge Handbook of the International Relations of South Asia, (Routledge, 2022)
- “Wasted Opportunity: Covid-19 and Regional Cooperation in South Asia,” in Sumit Ganguly and Dinsha Mistree (ed.) The Covid-19 Crisis in South Asia: Coping with the Pandemic (Routledge, 2022)
- “India’s Trade Engagement: The More Things Change, The More They Remain the Same” in Surupa Gupta and Rani Mullen (eds.) “Indian Foreign Policy Under Modi: A New Brand or Just Repackaging?” International Studies Perspectives. 2019.
- “Agriculture and its Discontents: Coalitional Politics at the WTO with Special Reference to India’s Food Security Interests,” International Negotiations, (with J. P. Singh). 2016.
- “India and RCEP: challenges and opportunities of opening up the farm/food sector” in Sumit Ganguly and Karen Stoll Farrell (eds.) Heading East: Security, Trade, and Environment between India and Southeast Asia (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016).
- “Indian foreign policy and co-existence: continuity and change in the post-Cold War era” (with Shibashis Chatterjee) in Cedric de Coning, Thomas Mandrup and Liselotte Odgaard (eds.). The BRICS and Coexistence: An Alternative Vision of World Order. Routledge. 2014.
- Co-author (with Regina Birner and Neeru Sharma) of the book The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Reform in India: Fertilizer and Electricity for Irrigation. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. 2011.
- Founding member and section chair (2019-2021) of South Asia in World Politics, a section under the International Studies Association.
- Managing Editor, Indian Politics and Policy, peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by the Policy Studies Organization.
- Recipient of the UMW Department of Political Science John M. Kramer Faculty Excellence Award for 2018.
- Recipient of the UMW Mary Pinschmidt Award for 2017
- Recipient of 2015 Asia Studies Fellowship, East-West Center, Washington DC
- Recipient of 2011-12 Jepson Fellowship, UMW.
Contact Information:
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