What can I do with my American Studies degree?
American Studies majors are trained to pursue a wide variety of careers and post-secondary professional degrees. Read about some of the interesting and exciting careers that our majors have pursued:
- Brian Auricchio (’12)
- Todd Casey (’03)
- Peter Collins (’07)
- Sharon Dobie (’69)
- Liz Eiseman (’16)
- Sarah Eckman (’07)
- Rebecca Erbelding (’03)
- Anne Greever (’71)
- Allyson Kinnard (’94)
- Jessica Lewis (’03)
- Katie Werner (’84)
Here is a list of possible careers:
Analyst | Investment banker |
Archivist | Journalist |
Biographer | Lawyer |
Congressional aide | Legislative aide |
Contractor | Librarian |
Demographer | Lobbyist |
Diplomat | Management analyst |
Editor | Museum curator |
Exhibits specialist | Peace Corps/Vista worker |
Foreign service officer | Political scientist |
Historic site administrator | Politician |
Human resources officer | Program analyst |
Information systems analyst | Public policy specialist |
Insurance agent/broker | Researcher |
Intelligence specialist | Teacher |