Database Guide
The UMW Library maintains an excellent Databases & Articles guide to the latest and most useful databases for historical research (including JSTOR, Project Muse, and others).
Using these databases effectively takes time and practice. In particular, figuring out the correct keywords and subject terms can be difficult. You should attempt numerous combinations. Know that placing a word in the keyword category and placing it in the subject category will achieve different results.
- Use quotation marks around exact phrases to limit results
- Use the advanced search feature to limit results.
- Be sure to limit your results to sources in the language you will be using for your research
If the UMW library does not own a journal and it is not available through one of the databases try googling the journal’s web site. Many journal web sites offer free access to at least abstracts of journal articles, if not the full text. If relevant, consider an Inter-Library Loan order.