See below for contact info. Click links for faculty biographies, research and course information.
Department Chair
Claudine Ferrell
Professor and Department Chair
American Legal and Constitutional History, African-American History, U.S. and Vietnam, 20th-century U.S.
Monroe 217 / 540-654-1476 / cferrell@umw.edu
Nabil Al-Tikriti
Ottoman History, Modern Iraq, and Human Rights
Monroe 219 / 540-654-1481 / naltikri@umw.edu
Erin Devlin
Associate Professor and American Studies Program Director
American Studies, Public History, US Race Relations
Monroe 231 / 540-654-1480 / edevlin@umw.edu
Susan R. Fernsebner
Modern China and East Asia, History of Childhood, Colonialism
Monroe 227 / 540-654-1473 / sfernseb@umw.edu
Steven E. Harris
Modern Russia, Europe, and the Second World
Monroe 215 / 540-654-1390 / sharris@umw.edu
Will B. Mackintosh
Associate Professor
Early America, Early Republic and Antebellum U.S. History
Monroe 230 / 540-654-1474 / wmackint@umw.edu
Jeffrey McClurken
Professor and Chief of Staff / Clerk of the BOV, Office of the President
Nineteenth Century U.S. History, Gender, Families, Mental Institutions, Technology, Digital History
Monroe 228 / 540-654-1475 / jmcclurk@umw.edu
Krystyn Moon
History of U.S. Immigration, Ethnicity, Popular Culture
Monroe 225 / 540-654-1479 / kmoon@umw.edu
Troy Paino
President, University of Mary Washington
Professor of American Studies, Affiliated Faculty
Jason Sellers
Associate Professor
Colonial U.S History
Monroe 218 / 540-654-1471 / jseller4@umw.edu
Emeriti Faculty
Porter Blakemore
Associate Professor (emeritus)
Military History, European Diplomatic History, Modern Germany
William B. Crawley, Jr.
Distinguished Professor and Visitor’s Chair (emeritus)
U.S. History, History of the South
Bruce O’Brien
British Isles, Ancient Greece and Rome, Medieval Europe
Allyson Poska
History of Spain and Latin America, Gender and Social History