Student Research Grants
Multiple funding sources are available to support student research, particularly for senior thesis projects. History and American Studies majors have won grants to conduct research projects at the Library Company in Philadelphia, the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, as well as at Princeton University and at the Harvard-Yenching Library Collection in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Students have also earned grants to pursue historical research project abroad, including work in the United Kingdom at the British Library, the Public Record Office (now the National Archives), the House of Lords Record Office, Lambath Palace Library, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, Aberystwyth (National Library of Wales), and elsewhere in Europe including the Commissioner for Stasi Records (the Stasi Archives) in Berlin and at diverse archives in Prague, the Czech Republic.
College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Grants
Undergraduate Research Grants provide faculty of University of Mary Washington with an opportunity to guide degree-seeking, undergraduate students in the skills of conducting a specialized research project or experience and should be treated in that pre-professional learning context. Students are expected to participate significantly in writing the application and the project report.
William B. Crawley, Jr. Endowment for Student Research
The William B. Crawley, Jr. Endowment for Student Research provides grants for students majoring in History or American Studies to undertake major research projects that entail the acquisition of or access to research materials, or travel to libraries or archives to conduct research. The Endowment was made possible by the generous gift of Theresa Young Crawley (Class of 1977) in honor of her husband, Distinguished Professor William B. Crawley Jr. on the occasion of his retirement from the faculty of the University of Mary Washington after 40 years of service to its students, faculty, staff, and friends. To apply for a William B. Crawley, Jr. Research Grant, please see this application form.