Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department Events for Spring 2022
Wednesday, 23 Feb, 11am, UC 315: Jamil Scott, Assistant Professor of Government, Georgetown University, will share research findings on black women’s political candidacy from her recently published article, “Destined to Run?: The Role of Political Participation on Black Women’s Decision to Run for Elected Office.” 2022. National Review of Black Politics.
Monday, 14 March, 4pm, Monroe 240: Dawn Bowen, Professor of Geography, University of Mary Washington, will share findings from her collaborative work: “Health and Development: Meeting Community Needs in Guatemala.”
Wednesday, 23 March, 4pm, Lee 411: Undergraduate Research Symposium on Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Cash prizes will be awarded to this year’s outstanding presenter AND poster in recognition of student research on these topics.Here is the call for proposals, if you need more information.
Proposals for papers and posters are invited on original research or creative work focusing on any subject related to women’s studies and produced for any UMW class during the 2020-2021 or 2021- 2022 academic years.Wednesday, 6 April, 11am, UC 315: Rebecca Kreitzer, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will share research findings on contraception policy from their recently published article, “Contraception Deserts: The Effects of Title X Rule Changes on Planned Parenthood.” 2022. Politics & Gender.