Brown Bag Lectures
Ann Kloeckner Brown Bag Lecture: Why Are Poor People Poor? A Conversation About the Demographics of Poverty and Why It Got That Way
September 30, 12:00-1:00pm
Monroe 210
Stefanie Lucas-Waverly and Jaime Opanashuk, Office of the Title IX Brown Bag Lecture: “Sexual Misconduct Reporting Options: Responsible vs. Confidential”
October 21, 12:00-12:50
Monroe 211
Nasira Talib and Kristen Larcher, Migration and Refugee Services, Catholic Charities – Diocese of Arlington Brown Bag Lecture: “Refugee Resettlement in the Fredericksburg Area”
November 13, 12:00-12:50
Monroe 212
Ms. Christina Berben, Executive and Clinical Director, RCASA Brown Bag Lecture: “Addressing Alcohol’s Role in Campus Sexual Assault”
February 12, 12:00-12:50
Monroe 212