Note: Several courses satisfy one or more across-the-curriculum criteria; check the list of Course Offerings to determine the criteria met for any particular course.
- SOCG 105: The Social World
- SOCG 155: Social Issues
- SOCG 304: Social Stratification
- SOCG 313: Urban Sociology
- SOCG 315: Gender and Society
- SOCG 320: Food Justice
- SOCG 331: The Family
- SOCG 332: Introduction to Social Welfare
- SOCG 334: Medical Sociology
- SOCG 335: Global Perspectives on Health and Illness
- SOCG 341: American Society
- SOCG 347: Sociology of East Asia
- SOCG 351: Juvenile Delinquency
- SOCG 352: Criminology
- SOCG 364: Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis
- SOCG 365: Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis
- SOCG 371: Selected Topics in Sociology
- SOCG 400: Sociology of the Body
- SOCG 404: Global Inequality and Development
- SOCG 411: Popular Culture
- SOCG 415: Sociology of Law
- SOCG 421: Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SOCG 432: Political Sociology
- SOCG 434: Gender & Work
- SOCG 440: Sociology of Education
- SOCG 442: Social Change
- SOCG 471: History of Social Theory
- SOCG 472: Contemporary Sociological Theories
- SOCG 475: Public Sociology
- SOCG 491, 492: Individual Study and Research (3, 3)
- SOCG 499: Internship (Credits Vary)
SOCG 105: The Social World
An introduction to the discipline and scope of sociology, emphasizing the development and uses of basic concepts, theories, and methods of inquiry. We examine different institutions in society, such as the education system, occupations and work, the family, religion, and the state, as well as status inequalities such as gender, race, and sexualities. Emphasis varies by instructor.
SOCG 155: Social Issues
Sociological perspectives for analyzing social problems such as economic inequality, race relations, and crime. Emphasis varies by instructor. Back to top.
SOCG 304: Social Stratification
This course investigates the nature of social inequality and social stratification in the United States. We will concentrate on how social class and the market economy affect inequality, but issues of race and gender are interwoven throughout the course. Students will gain an understanding of the current extent of inequality in various social institutions and organizations. By looking at the bases of inequality, students will also acquire an understanding of the differences between “popular” and sociological perspectives on economic, racial, and gender inequality, as well as on the role of the state in ameliorating and/or maintaining inequality. Perhaps most importantly, we will examine the possibilities for changing social inequality in the U.S. Back to top.
SOCG 313: Urban Sociology
This course examines the social, political and cultural dynamics of contemporary American cities from a sociological perspective. The emphasis in this course will be on the U.S. and examining changes in urban and suburban life. We will study the history and emergence of American cities, examining different theories that attempt to explain their historical development. However, the primary emphasis will be on the “current scene,” with readings and discussion about the relationship between the urban condition and human social interactions exemplified in large metropolitan areas. How do people organize their relationships to each other in city spaces? How does city life–its social, political and economic structure–affect the social identity and everyday life patterns of city dwellers? We will consider questions of community and of urban policy, and we will keep an eye on questions of how inequality is structured and experienced in urban areas. We’ll focus each semester on a few current hot urban topics such as homelessness, Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans, and the effects of the foreclosure crisis on urban areas. I usually assign 4 to 5 books for this course and grade students on an extensive multi-part original research project conducted throughout the semester, classroom participation, and two take-home exams. Back to top.
SOCG 315: Gender and Society
In this course we will study the social construction of gender differences and gender inequality. The readings are designed to focus particular attention on the intersection of gender differences/inequalities with those based on social class, race/ethnicity, sexuality, and nation. We will examine how the power relations rooted in these intersecting hierarchies influence people’s life experiences. Back to top.
SOCG 320: Food Justice
Food is elemental. It is necessary for our very survival. Eating food is a biological drive. Food is also integral to our social relations. Beyond the basic survival drive, why do we eat what we do, when we do, and with whom we do? The society into which we are socialized largely shapes our taste preferences and structures our daily eating habits. As sociologists, we study these patterns with interest. We also extend our examination of food and society to encompass larger patterns of food production and distribution. We critically analyze how these practices of production and distribution create conditions of excess and scarcity for different social groups. We interrogate practices of the food industry that impact people’s access to and tendency to consume certain foods. We ask about the relationship between the food people eat and their health. We inquire as to the environmental impact of various cultural diets. We scrutinize the political dimensions of food production, distribution, and consumption.
This seminar is titled Food Justice. By choosing this title, I mean to insist that in exploring the multitude of questions related to food in society, we must also always do so with the intent to confront head-on problems of injustice. We study food in order to puzzle through the complicated questions of fairness, equity, justice, and all human beings’ inherent right to nourishment and sustenance. What would a ‘just’ food system look like? What social groups are advancing this cause in contemporary society? How successful have their efforts been? What can/will we do to contribute to this process? How will we adequately, healthily, and sustainably feed others and ourselves?
To this end, the readings in this course are designed to give us the necessary background information to tackle tough sociological questions about food and society that we face today.
SOCG 331: The Family
The family class typically begins by examining the historical development of contemporary family patterns. Students soon come to realize that most of the stereotypes people have about families of “the past” are quite inaccurate. The course considers the extent to which changes in socio-historical contexts – including today’s global economy – influence the nature of family life. Among the topics we will study are the processes of family formation, the problems of defining family, and the processes of family dissolution. The course considers the effects of economic inequality and social class on families, as well as the processes of power operating within families. Back
to top.
SOCG 332: Introduction to Social Welfare
In this course we will examine the history and development of social welfare programs both in the U.S. and abroad. We will explore income assistance policies, health care policy, child welfare policy, and other policy areas as interest dictates. We will use sociological theories to explore whose interests drive policy development, expansion and contraction. We will try to never lose sight of the lived experiences of the various people dependent on these policies, and to reflect on how their interests are served or reflected in programmatic change. I typically assign 3 or 4 books, several short papers, and a longer research paper. Participation in class discussions is also an important component to the course and the course grade. Back to top.
SOCG 334: Medical Sociology
In this course, we will study the sociology of health and illness from a critical perspective. In our sociological study of health and illness we will make some central assumptions: 1) understanding health and illness requires more than biological knowledge; 2) health, illness, and healing occur within social, political, economic, and cultural structures; 3) the institutions and practices of medicine themselves must be taken as objects of inquiry and critique. In addition, we will pay special attention to the subjective experience of illness within various social contexts. Back to top.
SOCG 335: Global Perspectives on Health and Illness
Analyze problems of health, illness, inequality, and care at the global level. Examine health care systems and health promotion in comparative perspective. Explore how social forces shape individual and group health behaviors and illness experiences in various structural and cultural contexts. Emphasis on health rights as human rights. Back to top.
SOCG 341: American Society
The course incorporates several different analysts’ interpretations of “what makes America what it is,” with an emphasis on the ways in which America is “unusual” or “different” (i.e. theories of American exceptionalism.) The course begins with an examination of the historical development of many American social patterns, focusing particularly on American social history. This historical portrait will provide a”framework” for understanding different interpretations of contemporary society. The majority of class sessions are devoted to discussing the books which students have been assigned to read. Back to top
SOCG 347: Sociology of East Asia
Sociology of East Asia is an introductory course on three East Asian countries, China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, and Korea. Students will critically evaluate how “conventional” sociological theories are limited in explaining non-Western societies but at the same time how Western ideas and practices have a significant and lingering impact on the contemporary East Asian societies. By doing so, students will be able to understand the connections and conflicts between Western and East Asian societies and to reflect on how such global relations shape their own lives and perspectives as citizens of Global North.
SOCG351: Juvenile Delinquency
The development of the concept of juvenile delinquency. The extent and nature of delinquent behavior and efforts at explanation and control. Back to top.
SOCG 352: Criminology
The primary focus of this course is on how to study and analyze crime from a sociological perspective. Along with considering the interrelationships between the nature of crime and the nature of society, students will learn and apply sociological explanations for crime. Another goal of the course is to develop each student’s ability to evaluate critically available information about crime, including mass media portrayals and official crime statistics. Finally, students will be encouraged to become more reflective in their views about the nature of crime in society in an effort to counteract popular misconceptions that frequently guide public debate. Students will be expected to read academic and non-academic texts, prepare written assignments, and take exams. Back to top.
SOCG354: Environmental Sociology
Examines how contemporary social organization drives environmental degradation and renders some people more vulnerable to its effects, and whether a shift in environmental consciousness and individuals behaviors is sufficient to create a more harmonious relationship between society and the natural world. Back to top.
SOCG355: Death and Society
An overview of the sociological approach to the study of death and dying. Examines causes of death, treatment of death both before and after the event, the meaning of death from various cultural perspectives and the death industry.
SOCG 364: Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis
This course is designed to provide majors with a broad background for understanding, analyzing, and using fundamental quantitative research methodologies, including bivariate and multivariate regression techniques. Through writing and lab assignments, as well as an independent research project, this course in intended to deepen quantitative literacy, thus helping students prepare for a variety of jobs or graduate study. This highly rigorous and time-consuming course requires statistics, data analysis, reading, and writing assignments. It is recommended that students consider the substantial workload as they select other courses for the semester. Back to top.
SOCG 365: Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis
Your learning objectives in this course are twofold. On the one hand, you will learn what defines the field of qualitative research, its historical emergence and development, current debates within the field, and its application in the discipline of sociology. On the other hand, you will spend the entire semester developing your own qualitative research project, in which you will be implementing the various methodological techniques we read about and discuss in class; this project will culminate in your writing a term paper on the basis of your own qualitative research. Back to top.
SOCG 371: Selected Topics in Sociology
Major concepts or points of view in contemporary sociology with an emphasis on discussion. Back to top.
SOCG 400: Sociology of the Body
Sociological interest in the body has increased dramatically in recent years. The idea that our bodies have sociological importance, that they are in fact social symbols that are imbued with meaning has become a popular topic of study, especially in the areas of gender, age, and health. We will begin with a general investigation of the history of ideas about the body and specifically trace social theories of the body from classic to contemporary thinkers. From there, we will consider feminist theories about the body. Our central concern throughout the seminar will be to understand how bodies are sexed/gendered, racialized, ethnicized, aged, sexualized, classed, sickened/cured, etc. What is the subjective experience of embodiment? What is the social significance of the body? What is the relationship between the body and society? Back to top.
SOCG 404: Global Inequality and Development
Explores the intricate relationship between development, globalization, and global inequality from a sociological perspective. The course addresses questions such as: What does development really entail? Who defines what development is and who benefits from development? How does globalization relate to development? What is the relationship between globalization and global inequality? Students consider competing perspectives on these questions, with attention to the role of power relations and historical contingencies in shaping these issues. Back to top.
SOCG 411: Popular Culture
Does it really matter what Homer did in the most recent episode of the Simpsons, or what Dave Mathews’ set list was last night? For many sociologists, the answer to such questions is a resounding “yes.” For sociologists, popular culture is an area of serious intellectual interest for a number of reasons. Within the field, popular culture has traditionally been viewed both as a reflection of the larger society and as an important influence on the general culture. Recently, however, attention has been paid to the power relations between the two. Additionally, some have focused on the processes by which the groups and individuals make meaning out of cultural products. This course will explore these themes, among others. Back to top.
SOCG 415: Sociology of Law
In this course we will examine the role of law in American society, particularly the relationship between legal and other institutions. The course readings will address the tensions between law as an equalizing force versus law as hierarchy, prompting students to ask questions like, Does law merely reflect the values and goals of society? Does it have its own force and autonomy? Does law exist primarily to serve the status quo, or does law effect social change? We will begin with an overview of the American legal structure and culture, with attention paid to our “litigious society” and our desire for “total justice.” With that background, we will then turn to classical and contemporary theoretical approaches to making sense of the law. Next we will take up a detailed examination of the legal profession using Jennifer Pierce’s Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms. Finally, we will look at
how legal institutions help bring about social change, using desegregation and divorce law as examples. Back to top.
SOCG 421: Racial and Ethnic Relations
This course will explore the ongoing “problem of the color line” in US society by introducing students to the sociological study of racial and ethnic relations. While we will examine aspects of the experiences of various racial and ethnic groups and their members, this course is not a survey of different ethnic groups in the US. Rather, we will examine the social significance of race and ethnicity (how did we come to develop these concepts? Is there an underlying “truth” to them?), examine some of the social and cultural processes through which notions of difference are maintained (prejudice, discrimination, racism). We will next examine some consequences of racial/ethnic classification through analysis of immigration, popular culture, labor market experiences and social movements. Typical assignments include a series of short papers and a larger research project. Typical readings include a reader and several short monographs. Back to top.
SOCG 432: Political Sociology
This course is designed to introduce you to a variety of topics in the field of political sociology. Although the content and primary objectives of this course are academic, it also aims at making you a more informed political actor by raising your general knowledge about the uses of power and the nature of politics. In addition, you should be able to leave this class with an ability to understand and evaluate political action and political behavior in formal organizations and in the larger national and world political arenas. We explore various theoretical perspectives and research findings within political sociology, a field that is located at the intersection of sociology, political science, history, and economics. In particular, the course examines the roles of political institutions, state capacities, business, labor, citizens, political elites, and political parties in shaping national policies. While the focus of the course is largely on the United States, cross-country comparisons are drawn in order to consider alternative political systems and their effects. Back to top.
SOCG 434: Gender & Work
This seminar examines the opportunities, imperatives, and experiences of women and men at work. Work is structured by institutional arrangements that come before us and that change over time and are shaped in relation to institutions in society other than the economy, especially the family. Work, occupational opportunities, and cultural expectations are also shaped by the intersectionality of class, race, and gender in our lives and experiences. Readings and projects are selected to emphasize related questions and themes. Back to top.
SOCG 440: Sociology of Education
This course explores the social construction of schooling processes, and also examines a variety of explanations for inequality in educational outcomes. We will problematize the assumption of schooling as “meritocratic,” and will explore other ways of thinking through school success and failure. We will look at schooling processes in the K-12 range, college and university, and the link between schooling and occupations. Current issues such as home schooling and No Child Left Behind will also be discussed. I typically assign 3 or 4 books, several short papers, and a longer research paper. Participation in class discussions is also an important component to the course and the course grade. Back to top.
SOCG 442: Social Change
Considers alternative theoretical approaches to the study of social change, with an emphasis on collective action outside of “normal” politics and contestation as process. Examination of historical and socio-economic context in shaping limits and potential for social change. Back to top.
SOCG 471: History of Social Theory
This course provides an overview of select major social theorists from the mid-19th to the early 20th centuries. We read original writings by theorists such as Martineau, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Simmel, Gilman, DuBois, and Cooper, locating their ideas in context of the larger socio-historical processes informing and shaping them. We focus on foundational principles and concepts, taking these theorists’ ideas on their own terms and focusing on the text. Moreover, students consider their continued relevance for understanding issues we face in contemporary society. Throughout the course, we consider processes of legitimation in the history of the discipline. Which theorists and ideas counted as valid, which were marginalized, and how has that changed in response to social conditions and ideas? Back to top.
SOCG 472: Contemporary Sociological Theories
This course introduces students to the rather confounded state of theory in contemporary sociology and related social sciences. Initially, we shall touch on what would seem to be a fairly straightforward question–what is theory?–and we will find that, even at this most basic level, sociologists are not in agreement with one another. Next we shall turn our attention to the foundations of major schools or currents of contemporary sociological theory such as conflict, exchange, functional, and interactionalist orientations. After considering these broadly defined approaches, our attention will turn to more specific contributions within each of these schools of thought. Finally, we will examine a recent and thought-provoking example of contemporary theory construction in the social sciences by reading and discussing Robert Axelrod’s influential work on the evolution of co-operation. This course is designed to be very reading- and discussion-intensive. The final grade is based on two components: (1) consistency and quality of class participation and (2) performance on a final paper project.
Back to top.
SOCG475: Public Sociology
Students will be trained on participatory action research methods. Action research is community-based and operates on a collaborative model of social research that simultaneously engages academic practices and democratic social change. Data used may include interviews, focus groups, participant observation, documents, records, reports, and surveys. Back to top.
SOCG491, 492: Individual Study and Research
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Available to qualified students; reading and research, project or paper with guidance of a faculty member. Back to top.
SOCG499: Internship (Credits variable)
Prerequisite: SOCG 105 and six upper-level sociology credits, and permission of the instructor. Supervised off-campus eperience, developed in consultation with departmental facuty. Cannot be counter in the major program. Back to top.