Great Event!

It was standing room only on Thursday night at Michael Twitty’s talk, African-Virginia: The Mother of Southern Cooking, in Monroe Hall at UMW.  Both students and the local community turned out for what was a lively presentation on the past and present of African American food ways in Virginia.
For more information on Michael Twitty’s work, click here.  You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

American Studies Students Present at CHASA

Both Lindsay Cutler and Debbi Shepherd presented their research at the Chesapeake regional chapter of the American Studies Association conference at American University on Saturday, March 10.  Lindsay presented her research on Native American activism in South Dakota, which she studied last summer while she attended school at Sinte Gleska University on the Rosebud Reservation.  Debbi presented her senior thesis research on the “Typical American Family” at the 1939-40 Worlds Fair in New York City.  Congratulations to Debbi and Lindsay!