As reported earlier, History major Leah Tams (’14) spent this summer working as an intern with the Smithsonian Institution Archives in Washington, D.C. She worked with the Institutional History Division, assisting in the development of public exhibits, programs, and archival collections. Leah also composed reports for the Smithsonian’s public blog, including an intriguing account of her own work on an online exhibit of historical postcards and—a classic archival mystery—the challenges of dating them. For more, see Leah Tams, “The Mystery of the Undated Postcards,” at The Bigger Picture – Exploring Archives and Smithsonian History (23 July 2013).
Image: Postcard of Continental Uniforms, 1942, by Curt Teich & Co., Linen, Record Unit 65, Box 16, Folder: Postcards, Smithsonian Institution Archives, Neg. no. SIA2013-07812. From Leah Tams’ post, cited above.