English major Upma Kapoor has published another piece for USAToday College, explicating the rewards of taking creative writing. (Bonus points for linking out to H.D.’s Wikipedia page!) Read all about it by clicking on this post title to reach the link. Good work, Upma!
Tag: publication
I want to be a part of it: New Yorker, New Yorker
Professor Claudia Emerson’s poem “Early Elegy: Barber” has been accepted for publication in The New Yorker. Congratulations!
Dr. LaBreche Places New Publication
Congratulations to Dr. Ben LaBreche, whose professional essay, ““‘The wheat from the tares’: Areopagitica and the Limits of Pluralism” has been accepted for publication in Milton Studies. It will appear in 2013.
Advice from Upma
English major Upma Kapoor makes clear: Everything I know, I learned from Beyonce. Read Upma’s “Advice for your Undergraduate Career from Beyonce” on usatodayeducate.com .