ENGL 399: Community Service Learning
The University of Mary Washington prides itself on its spirit of service. While COAR and various organizations offer lots of ways to serve both near and far, ELC also encourages students to think about using their specific skills through this unique service learning opportunity.
English 399, Community Service Learning, asks students to step outside the bounds of the typical ELC classroom by working with a Fredericksburg-area organization, ideally in the areas of written and oral literacy. These organizations call on majors to actively use such tools of the discipline as editing, proofreading, literacy, close reading, and speech, in order to provide after-school, GED, or ESOL tutoring, as well as offer assistance with communication skills and oral interpretation of various kinds. ENGL 399 is a one-credit course repeatable up to three times for credit in the major. The course requires a minimum of 20 hours of service per semester (not including any necessary training) and will be formalized in a standard contract.
English 399 earns Experiential Learning credit toward graduation.
For more information, contact the 2017-2018 coordinator of English 399, Dr. Laura Bylenok.