Preparing for Life Beyond UMW
English majors end up in an amazing variety of careers. To choose your own career path, you need to get to know the available options. You also need to know yourself. Fortunately, the English major is excellent preparation for both.
The Value of the English Major
Employers value UMW’s English majors for their writing, critical thinking, and research skills. Workplaces appreciate their creativity and their ability to communicate clearly. Because our majors get comfortable working independently as well as in groups and teams, they do well in any work setting. Another major asset for employers is the empathy for other lives and cultures that English majors acquire through reading and in the classroom. English majors gain a wide variety of transferrable skills, supporting an array of career paths.
With their breadth of interests, UMW English majors are the quintessential liberal arts students, possessing both marketable skills and the ability to learn and grow throughout their careers.
Career Path Resources
Learn about major-related career preparation, study abroad, and graduate study.