History and American Studies Symposium
Spring 2012
University of Mary Washington – Department of History and American Studies
Friday, April 27, 2012
SESSION ONE. 8 AM. Monroe 210 – Ideology and Motivation in Warfare
Moderator: Dr. Porter Blakemore
Kathleen Hughes—Motivation to Fight: Combat Soldiers in Vietnam [CF]
Lindsey Smith—Armed with the Quran and a Kalashnikov: A Study in the Ideologies that Influenced Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, and the Key Events that Led to 9/11 [NA]
Rebecca Welker—”Put the Boys In”: Young Soldiers in Civil War Fiction [KM]
SESSION TWO. 8 AM. Monroe 211 – Constructing Social Identities
Moderator: Dr. Will Mackintosh
Lindsay Kyle Cutler—Wampum and Dice: Contested Indian Identity at Foxwoods Casino and the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center [JR]
Aubrey Elliott—The Weakness of the Visigoths during the Moorish Invasion of 711 [NA]
Sara Krechel—Sex, Luxury, and Power: The Stereotype and Reality of Ottoman Imperial Harems in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century [NA]
SESSION THREE. 8 AM. Monroe 111 – Topics in History
Moderator: Dr. Jeff McClurken
Olivia Colville—Mother of Mercy: The Marian Cult of the Twelfth Century (BO)
James Montgomery—The Storming and Plunder of Badajoz 1812: Conditions Which Led to Atrocities (AP)
Kathryn O’Keefe—Inquisitorial Authority in the Spanish Basque Witch-trial [AP]
SESSION FOUR. 9 AM. Monroe 111 – Victims and Perpetrators of Terror and Coercion
Moderator: Dr. Allyson Poska
Jessi Bell—“I Didn’t Think I Would Suffer So Much:” Exploitation of Migrant Women in Latin America, 1980-Present [AP]
Daniel Garcia—Information Overload: A History of Stasi Informers and Their Impact on the East German Political System [SH]
Catherine Kennedy—The Civil Rights Movement, Hurricane Betsy, and Hurricane Katrina: How American Memory is Constructed through Photography and the Media [JR]
SESSION FIVE. 9 AM. Monroe 210 – The Media and Other Cults of Information
Moderator: Dr. Matthew Johnson
Sarah Eye—Undecipherable Turns of Phrases: The Ancient Greeks and the Delphic Oracle [BO]
Ashley Lightburn—The Panic of 1907: The Media’s Interpretation [JM]
Eric Lugg-Paramore—The Change in Function of the Roman Imperial Cult from Augustine to Theodosius I [BO]
SESSION SIX. 10 AM. Monroe 210 – The Politics of Memory
Moderator: Dr. Nabil Al-Tikriti
Denise Acors—Bound by Memory: The Evolution of the Inextricably Linked Memories of the Jews and the Resistance of World War II in France [SH]
Matthew Gonzalez—The Past Is Not Dead [NA]
Kayla Lester—Liberating the Liberty Bell: The Use and Reshaping of Collective Memory at Independence Historic National Park [KM]
SESSION SEVEN. 10 AM. Monroe 211 – Veterans, Governesses, and the Great Blue Yonder
Moderator: Dr. Claudine Ferrell
Shellye L. Burrow—A Study of Agnes Porter: The Ideal Eighteenth Century Governess [AP]
Samantha Warring—Into the Wild Blue Yonder: The Advocacy of General Billy Mitchell for an Independent Air Force [PB]
SESSION EIGHT. 11 AM. Monroe 210 – Crime and Punishment in Europe
Moderator: Dr. Bruce O’Brien
Sarah Bachmann—Infanticide and Petty Treason in Early Modern England [AP]
Lauren Birkhold—Fanya Kaplan and the Origins of the Red Terror [SH]
Katelyn McManus—Le Pouvoir du Pouf: How Marie Antoinette Revolutionized Fashion and France [SH]
SESSION NINE. 11 AM. Monroe 211 – Race and Racism in the US
Moderator: Dr. Jess Rigelhaupt
Andrew Frisk—Enduring Legacies: Thomas Jefferson’s “Indelible Lines of Distinction” and the Emergence of Racism in America [JM]
Diana Hoins—African American and Italian Lynching in the American South: A Comparison [CF]
Andrew Becken—Not Really Free Labor: Hired Slave Labor for Industrialization in Antebellum Virginia [WM]
LUNCH. 12pm.
SESSION TEN. 1 PM. Monroe 210 – Women and Power
Moderator: Dr. Bruce O’Brien
Jocelyn Lewis—The Ideal of the Univirae and the “Emancipation” of the Roman Matron within Augustan Rome [BO]
Kirsten van der Noordaa—Andean Women: Confronting a Cultural Collision (AP)
Cassandra Trumbetic—Women’s Fluctuations in Power during the Twelfth Century: A Critique of Empress Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine [BO]
SESSION ELEVEN. 1 PM. Monroe 211 – National and Imperial Identities and Their Consequences
Moderator: Dr. Nabil Al-Tikriti
Will Devlin—The Evolution of Turkish Nationalism from the Ottoman Empire through Atatürk’s Turkish Republic [NA]
Josh Heigle—American Opposition to Jewish Immigration during the Nazi Era [PB]
Michael Roche—T.E. Lawrence: Legendary Leader or Political Puppet [NA]
SESSION TWELVE. 1 PM. Monroe 111 – Women and War
Moderator: Dr. Steven Harris
Mallory Baker—American Quaker Women and First Wave Feminism [WM]
Claire Brooks—Nursing in Civil War Virginia [JM]
Jamie L. Waite—The History of The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association during the Civil War [KM]
SESSION THIRTEEN. 2PM. Monroe 210 – Gender, Technology, and Advertising
Moderator: Dr. Krystyn Moon
Kyle F. Allwine—A Bug in the System: Women’s Involvement in the Early Development of Computers [JM]
Charles Girard—”Fuck Yeah” Trans* People: Trans* People on Tumblr [KM]
Morgan Mangold—Cleaning Your Counter-Tops and Lady Parts All-In-One: Lysol Advertising and the Secret Language of Birth Control (1920-1960) [KM]
SESSION FOURTEEN. 2 PM. Monroe 211 – Understanding American and European Military History and Propaganda
Moderator: Dr. Porter Blakemore
Jonathan Doblix—Justifications Advocating General Robert E. Lee’s Orders on July 3, 1863 [PB]
Carol Killian—World War I Poster Art and the Influences of Propaganda in the United States and Great Britain [PB]
Dylan McCartney—Between Us We Shall Use Him Up: Hooker, Sedgwick, and the Loss of Control at Chancellorsville, 2nd May 1863 [PB]
SESSION FIFTEEN. 2 PM. Monroe 111 – American Cultural Representations of Nation and Masculinity
Moderator: Dr. Will Mackintosh
Riley Baver—1984 Los Angeles Olympics: A Success Story [CF]
John McNair—Alternative Outlaws: The Hells Angels and the Creation of the American Biker Mythos [CF]
MacKenzie Woodruff—Ia Drang The Reason We Lost The War [CF]
SESSION SIXTEEN. 3 PM. Monroe 210 – Digital History
Moderator: Dr. Jeffrey McClurken
James Farmer Lectures — Laura Donahue, Caitlin Murphy, Michelle Martz, Kelsey Matthews
James Monroe Museum Political Cartoon Archive — Heather Thompson, Rachel Icard, Rachel Luehrs, Andrew Becken
Historic Buildings of UMW — Cameron Carroll, Cassandra Trumbetic, Kay Washechek, Kayle Partenheimer, Samantha Warring
Southeastern Virginia Historical Markers — Sarah Eye, Lindsay Smith, Ryan Montgomery, Michael Powers
SESSION SEVENTEEN. 3 PM. Monroe 211 – Spies, Musicians, and Superheroes in Popular Culture
Moderator: Dr. Jess Rigelhaupt
Brian Auricchio—Popular Culture’s Revolutionary Potential: Kanye West and Ideology [JR]
Amanda Sorby—The Spy Who Lived Forever: An Examination of the Life and Legacy of Mata Hari in American Pop Culture [SH]
Cameron Bither—Defender and Dissenter: Captain America and the Historical Role of the American Superhero [KM]