Shumona Dasgupta
Shumona Dasgupta’s intellectual interests are postcolonial theory and literature, Anglophone South-Asian literature and film, cultural studies, globalization studies, ‘black’ British literature, transnational feminism and women’s writing. Her current interdisciplinary book project on the Partition of India (1947) focuses on the historical revisionism inaugurated in the aftermath of the Partition crisis, and the role that fiction and film have played in the production, consumption and circulation of a particular kind of historical memory about this very violent event which left 2 million dead and displaced between 12-16 million people in the region. Dr. Dasgupta, in both her research and teaching, is interested in exploring the nexus between gender practices and the practice of violence, representations of trauma, social suffering and mourning, as well as modes of survival and identity reconstitution in the wake of catastrophe. The courses she teaches most often at UMW are postcolonial theory and literature and South-Asian literature and film.
B.A., M.A., University of Delhi; Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook. UMW Profile.