Issues in Political Economy (IPE) is a research journal that is written and over viewed completely by students with some oversight from professors from Elon University of North Carolina and University of Mary Washington. It is the longest running undergraduate research journal which has been in operation since 1999. They typically produce one or two issues a year and the two Universities alternate organizing their annual meetings where the research is presented. Students from all over the world submit research to IPE every year. It is a tremendous opportunity for undergraduate students to get involved in research and get a taste of what it is like to be a part of the research project. The students not only carry out and present their own research but also serve as discussants, edit one another’s papers serve as session chairs. It is a very respected journal and the conference is known and attended by many well known economists. It is indexed in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Economics and Finance.
Instructions for Authors
Those interested in submitting a research paper must have a faculty mentor to help guide you through the research process. All types of topics are welcome as long as it is regarding economics and your research is valid.
In order to submit your work, email IPE@lists.elon.edu with the
- subject “IPE SUBMISSION”
- author’s (student’s) name
- current email address
- faculty sponsor’s complete current mailing address and email address
- paper as an email attachment as a Microsoft Word file named as lastnamefirstinitial.doc
After you have submitted your paper, with all the information listed above, you should expect to receive confirmation from the editor within a week. If you do not please follow up to make sure it was received.
Those who wish to present their paper in the annual conference should send an additional email to EEA@lists.elon.edu (see Conference section below)
Review Process
Your submission will be part of a double blind process where the author and referees are unknown to each other. 2 referees will review and comment on the paper. These comments are compiled into a report by an associate editor. The report stays the status of a paper should be
- Accepted
- Accepted providing certain revisions are made to improve the paper
- Rejected
When the editorial board meets at the Eastern Economics Association conference, the Editor receives the recommendation and writes letters to the authors about the status of their paper.
About the Conference
The cost of this trip is completely covered by the school. Participation in the conference is not a requirement for students in order for their papers to get published, but involvement also does not automatically qualify your paper for review.
Proposals must be emailed to EEA@lists.elon.edu and include
- complete addresses (including email and phone) for the student and faculty sponsor
- The full name of the presenter (as you want it to appear in the program)
- paper title
- 200 word abstract (single spaced)
- college/University name
- name and email address of faculty sponsor should also be included in the email to the editor.
If you have any day or night time constraints please include that information in the your submission email. All students and faculty mentors must register for the IPE sessions through the EEA. All presenters will be asked to serve as discussants on another student’s paper.
Further Information:
Faculty Advisors
Stephen DeLoach, Professor of Economics,
Elon University, deloach@elon.edu
Steven Greenlaw, Professor of Economics,
University of Mary Washington, sgreenla@umw.edu
Conference Undergraduate Sessions