Tuesday, October 3rd 2023, 15.00 https://unisannio.webex.com/unisannio/j.php?MTID=m2c8b0c292584a458bb38149783cf5198 Password: zfGkt9wsJ22 Youtube More information (pdf Flyer).

by Michael Reno
Tuesday, October 3rd 2023, 15.00 https://unisannio.webex.com/unisannio/j.php?MTID=m2c8b0c292584a458bb38149783cf5198 Password: zfGkt9wsJ22 Youtube More information (pdf Flyer).
Filed under: CPRBlogs, Publications
by Michael Reno
Ancient Women Writers flyer (pdf) Buy it at Routledge 20% Discount Available – enter the code FLR40 at checkout*
Filed under: CPRBlogs, Publications, UMWBlogs
by Michael Reno
Coming soon! Professor Angela Pitts (Classics, UMW) and Bartolo Natoli (Classics, Randolph Macon College) have produced a unique and authoritative resource for scholars and students of gender in Greco-Roman Antiquity entitled, Ancient Women Writers of Greece and Rome. Now available for pre-order; ships June 1, 2022! Congratulations on a major achievement! From the Routledge website: […]
Filed under: CPRBlogs, Publications, UMWBlogs