Tuesday, October 3rd 2023, 15.00 https://unisannio.webex.com/unisannio/j.php?MTID=m2c8b0c292584a458bb38149783cf5198 Password: zfGkt9wsJ22 Youtube More information (pdf Flyer).

by Michael Reno
Tuesday, October 3rd 2023, 15.00 https://unisannio.webex.com/unisannio/j.php?MTID=m2c8b0c292584a458bb38149783cf5198 Password: zfGkt9wsJ22 Youtube More information (pdf Flyer).
Filed under: CPRBlogs, Publications
by Michael Reno
PROTESTS IN IRAN : CONTEXT, STRATEGIES, AND (LIKELY) CONSEQUENCES Join us for a panel on the ongoing protests in Iran triggered by the death of 22-year old Mahsa Amini in police custody. For four weeks now, women have been protesting dress and behavior rules despite the government locking down access to the internet and social […]
Filed under: CPRBlogs, Khatib, religious freedom, UMWBlogs
by Michael Reno
If you have the inclination, donate to the pre-law club at UMW.
by Michael Reno
‘Each time it gets bigger’ — How Iran’s protests look to a dissident of the Shah’s regime
by Michael Reno
Zen Garden Community Fall Cleanup with Todd Stewart and Bob Chilton of Gardens Unlimited Wednesday, October 5, 10 – 4 at the Zen Garden, adjacent to Farmer Hall Come by for five minutes, half an hour, or the whole day. Lend a hand and learn more about garden design, bonsai, and the history of […]
Filed under: CPRBlogs, LeideckerCenter, UMWBlogs