Honors and Awards in Religion
All Religious Studies majors are eligible to receive honors and so for consideration for Honors in Religious Studies. Honors are awarded on the basis of a minimum 3.5 GPA in major and excellent work (A) in the major’s capstone course (RELG 401).
The Outstanding Graduate in Religious Studies Award is given each year in recognition of the student in that year’s class whose tenure at the University of Mary Washington most reflects superior academic achievement in the Religion Major and active commitment and service to the Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion.
In addition to more general scholarships awarded by the university, two scholarships specific to the Religious Studies Program are awarded by the faculty in Religious Studies.
The Clyde and Virginia Carter Memorial Scholarship
Established in 1996, the Clyde and Virginia Carter Memorial Scholarship is awarded every other year to a rising senior Religious Studies major who has demonstrated financial need, an overall grade point average of 2.5 or above, and a commitment to the Religious Studies Major Program.
The Loreeda Ruth Jones Niemann Scholarship in Religion
Established in 1999, the Loreda Ruth Jones Niemann Scholarship in Religion is awarded annually to the rising senior major in Religious Studies judged by the Religious Studies faculty as showing outstanding promise in the discipline.