Welcome, Prospective Students!
We’re glad to meet you virtually! If you’re interested in our programs, please scroll down for more information or use the drop down menu. That menu also has information on the wide variety of careers our graduates have excelled at since their departure from what we affectionately refer to as CPR. We are in the process of combining administratively with Anthropology and Art History.
Our department chair is Laura Mentore, she can be reached at lmentore@umw.edu or telephone: (540) 654-1023.
If you’re looking for information on the Latin Placement Exam and what level Latin class you should take, click here.

The Classics program at UMW provides vibrant study of ancient Greece and Rome, demonstrating the continued relevance and importance of the classics to the 21st century. For information on our three major concentrations, select from these options:
- Classical Archaeology
- Classical Civilization
- Latin
- Information on Requirements for M.Ed. PreK-12 with an Endorsement in Latin
- Museum Studies minor
Those interested in majoring in Classics should plan to take these courses in the first two years:
- CLAS 103 Greek Civilization
- CLAS 105 Roman Civilization
- CLAS 285 Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures
Also, starting in 2021-22 and in only one of our major concentrations, you will not be required to take ancient Greek or Latin, but three of our concentrations require one or both languages. Consider enrolling in the appropriate level language courses each semester:
- LATN 101-201 Elementary and Intermediate Latin
- GREK 101-201 Elementary and Intermediate Greek

Philosophy literally means “love of wisdom,” and this program engages UMW students in a lively exploration of some of the most fundamental questions humanity can face. For information on our two major concentrations and one minor program, select from these options:
- Philosophy Major
- Philosophy: Pre-Law Major
- UMW/George Mason 3+3 Accelerated Law Degree Program
- Minor in Practical Ethics
- Minor in Law and Philosophy
Those interested in majoring in Philosophy or Philosophy with the Pre-law concentration should plan to take these courses in the first two years:
- PHIL 151B Introductory Logic (required for major)
- PHIL 201 Ancient Philosophy (required for major)
- PHIL 202 Modern Philosophy (required for major)
Other introductory courses relevant those interested in majoring in Philosophy :
- PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy (OPTIONAL, while this course does not count for the major except as an elective, it will give you a survey of what the academic study of Philosophy is all about).
- PHIL 160 Introduction to Ethics (not required, but fulfills the ethics requirement for either major)
- PHIL 210 Social and Political Philosophy (not required, but fulfills the social political requirement for the philosophy major)
Religious Studies

Our Religious Studies program seeks to explore the many ways humans have understood concepts of transcendence and the sacred in their world. For more information on our major program and affiliated minor programs, select from the following options:
Those interested in majoring in Religious Studies should plan to take these courses in the first two years:
In year 1: RELG 101 Introduction to World Religions and RELG 102 Introduction to the Study of Religion
In year 2: RELG 206 Christian Beginnings and RELG 210 Islam