Interested in the study and protection of our environment?
The geologic history and future of the Earth? The oceans? All of the above? Would you like to turn your passion into a career?
UMW’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is the place to learn about all aspects of the Earth sciences and our role in living with the Earth’s resources and limitations. We offer a B.S. in Environmental Science and Geology, with the following concentrations to help you focus on your individual goals:
- Environmental Science – the Natural Sciences
- Environmental Science – the Social Sciences
- Geology
- Environmental Geology
- Minor in Environmental Sustainability
Explore our site for more information, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Seeking an internship? Look here.
Recent News From Our Students and Faculty
EESC Faculty Receives EPA Region 3 Thriving Communities Grant
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tyler Frankel (Assoc. Prof- EESC) has received a $139,281 grant from the EPA Region 3 Grantmaking Program administered through the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative. The provided funds will be used to support environmental contamination assessment and future landfill cleanup efforts on the Mattaponi Native American reservation in partnership with the Eastern Woodlands Revitalization, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the revitalization of traditional knowledge and practices of eastern woodland tribal communities. This work will also include an assessment of contamination loads in American shad, an ecologically important migratory fish that has been impacted by human activities and serves as a culturally important species for the tribe.

Soil Chemistry Research Presented at National Conference

Dr. Melanie Szulczewski (Professor, EESC) and two of her undergraduate research students, Audrey Turner (’25) and Lily Hoffman (’27), presented their work at the Soil Science of America annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, in November 2024. They are conducting a soil survey of trace metals and overall soil health in Fredericksburg VA residential soils.
Alumni In The News
Miguel Marx has been very successful since graduating from UMW in 2017 with a Geology degree. He continued his education, getting a Master’s Degree in Paleontology in Portugal, and is now a PhD Candidate in Sweden. He also just shared his most recent research, entitled “Skin, Scales, and Cells in a Jurassic Plesiosaur” in Current Biology and was also recently reported in the New York Times. Read the article here->

In Memory of Dr. Michael Bass
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science and Biology Michael Bass.
Michael retired from UMW in 2018, having served Mary Washington for more than 45 years. He earned his Ph.D. in 1976 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and joined Mary Washington after a few years in research positions.
At Mary Washington, Michael was the driving force to build the environmental science program and was the first Chair of the new Department of Environmental Science and Geology (now Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences). He also partnered with the City of Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County on a variety of projects concerned with monitoring water quality, stream bank erosion and the impact of construction projects on bodies of water such as Massaponax Creek and the Ni River. He also helped to design the retention ponds that are a notable feature of the Central Park development in Fredericksburg. He often involved his students in field-work, enabling them to present their findings at regional and national conferences. A new species of caddisfly, Hydropsyche bassi, was also named after him based on his contributions to the field.
Graduates recall his impact on their work and honored him with the Class of 1972 Dr. Michael Bass Scholarship to create opportunities for talented students with financial need to pursue undergraduate research in the sciences. When the Dr. Michael Bass scholarship was established, donors wrote notes detailing how he influenced their careers and expressing their gratitude. Many of his former students kept in touch with him through the years, and often came to visit when they were in town.
A memorial service was held on Feb. 1st, 2025. Attended by family, friends, colleagues, and alumni, the stories that were shared clearly showed how integral Dr. Bass was to both the UMW community and the wider DMV area.
EESC Students Represent and Win Big at SETAC North America
Three EESC undergraduate students, mentored by Dr. Tyler Frankel (Assoc. Professor, EESC), presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 45th Annual Meeting which was held in Fort Worth, TX from Oct. 20th – Oct. 24th, 2024.
Summer Orledge (EESC, 25′) presented two abstracts entitled “Assessing Trace Metal Bioaccumulation in Several Fish Species Near A Coal Ash Landfill (Dumfries, VA)” and “The Presence, Concentration, and Potential Ecological Impacts of Trace Metal Contaminants in the James River Near Multiple Anthropogenic Contamination Sources (Bremo Bluff, VA)”. Additionally, she was the recipient of the Best Undergraduate Presentation Award which included 300 competitors from both USA and international Colleges and Universities.

Edmund Gable (EESC, 27′) presented an abstract entitled “Assessment of Trace Metals and Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals in Sediment, Water, and Fish Tissues Collected from Mattawoman Creek (Charles County, MD)”.

Joseph Gasink (EESC, 26′) presented two abstracts entitled “Assessing the Presence, Concentration, and Biological Uptake of Trace Metals and PFAS Near the Dahlgren Naval Support Facility (Dahlgren, Virginia)” and The Effects of Cadmium Exposure in the Presence of Climate Change on Embryonic Development in the Seminole Ramshorn Snail (Planorbella duryi)”.

Congratulations to our fantastic students!
EESC Students Present at Chesapeake Watershed Forum
Kate Stoneman and Holly Anthony present their research posters at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Kate researched the effects of sea level rise and land subsidence on Shark Tooth Island in the lower Potomac. Holly’s research looked that the biodegradation of PHA plastic in different aquatic systems.

Geology Major Co-Authors U.S. Geological Survey Data Release

Alisa Shtabnoy (Geology major) was included as a co-author on a USGS data release titled “Hyperspectral profiles of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and other algae” under mentorship from Dr. Natalie Hall (USGS Supervisory Geographer). As part of an internship with the USGS MD-DE-DC Water Science Center, this study collected reflectance measurements (spectral signatures) of various algae which can be used to monitor and detect Harmful Algal Blooms using remote sensing technology. Read more here – Hyperspectral profiles of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and other algae, 2022 – ScienceBase-Catalog
Congratulations Alisa!
EESC Faculty Contributes to With Good Reason-Mapping Climate History

Dr. Pamela Grothe (Asst. Prof- EESC) discussed the important role coral reefs play in tracking climate change history in an episode of With Good Reason. Listen here!
Success at CPRC SETAC
Three EESC students (Ned Gable- EESC 27’, Summer Orledge- EESC ’25, Joey Gasink- EESC ’26) and their research mentor Dr. Tyler Frankel (Asst. Professor- EESC) attended the CPRC SETAC Annual Spring Conference held on April 8th, 2024 in Baltimore, MD. Summer Orledge presented her work titled “ The presence, concentration, and potential ecological impacts of trace metal contaminants in the James River near a coal ash repository (New Canton, VA)”. Joey Gasink presented his abstract “Assessing the potential interactions between climate change and trace metal toxicity in the embryonic Seminole Ramshorn Snail (Planorbella duryi)” and was awarded 2nd place in the student poster competition which included undergraduate, M.S., and Ph.D. students. Congratulations to our students!
UMW EESC Student Presents At Westmoreland State Park Visitor’s Center

Kate Stoneman presenting her research on “Why is Shark Tooth Island Disappearing” at the Westmoreland State Park Visitor’s Center on Sunday, April 8th, 2024. This public-facing educational poster ties changes in a popular local landmark, Shark Tooth Island, to climate change and groundwater withdrawal. It is now on display at the state park’s Discovery Center and at two public libraries in Westmoreland County. Kate’s ongoing research with Prof. Tippett is collecting field data to determine how long the island has left.
EESC Faculty Member Selected for 2023 Alumni Association Award

Dr. Tyler Frankel, Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, is the recipient of the 2023 Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Young Faculty. Since arriving at UMW in 2018, Dr. Frankel has established a strong research program that has trained 19 undergraduate research students, culminating in four co-authored student publications in high-quality journals and 35 conference abstracts. He has secured multiple external grants totaling over $210k and is a recipient of a Jepson Fellowship. He has expanded the curriculum in the Department by the addition of courses in Advanced Ecotoxicology and Sustainable Aquaculture and has developed student laboratory investigations focused on “cutting edge” environmental issues, such as the ecological threat of microplastics and the promise of sustainable agriculture. Dr. Frankel also serves on the UMW Honor Council and is a member of the UMW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. His service to the greater scientific community includes membership on the Board of Directors for the Chesapeake Potomac Regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
EESC Student Success at 2023 UMW SSI Symposium

Congratulations to Jessica Oberlies (Env. Sci. ’25) for taking first place on her poster presentation at UMW’s 2023 Summer Science Symposium on her coral and climate research. Her project is titled, “A new coral geochemical archive to reconstruct central tropical Pacific climate” and she is mentored by Dr. Grothe. Their work hopes to better understand the climate impacts in the tropical Pacific.
Jessica Oberlies (left- EESC 25′) and Dr. Pamela Grothe (Assistant Professor- EESC)
Frankel Provides Plenary Talk For FMC Corporation R&D Expo

Dr. Tyler Frankel (Assistant Professor- EESC) was invited to provide the opening plenary talk at the FMC Corporation R&D Expo in June 2023. Held at the Delaware Stine Research Facility, this two-day event gathered FMC scientists from around the world to learn about the latest innovations, share ideas, and celebrate the company’s achievements. His talk titled “Developing and Applying Sensitive Methods To Assess Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals” provided an overview of his ecotoxicology program over the last decade and highlighted the exciting research and collaborations currently being conducted alongside undergraduates at the University of Mary Washington. Dr. Frankel is also a recipient of the 2022 FMC New Investigator Award which provides $50,000 in funds to support his research efforts.
Dr. Grothe’s Lab Featured In Richmond Times-Dispatch

Dr. Pamela Grothe has been featured in a story published by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, read all about it in the link below. Congratulations Dr. Grothe!
EESC Faculty Receives NSF Research Opportunity Award

Congratulations to Dr. Pamela Grothe, Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, for receiving a prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) award through their Research Opportunity Award – award opportunities for faculty at primarily undergraduate teaching institutions. She was award $112,000 on her work titled “A multi-coral genus approach to reconstructing central tropical Pacific during the 19th and 20th centuries”. The goal of the research is to create a 200-yr-long record of temperatures in the tropical Pacific using the geochemistry of coral skeletons to quantify the human-induced warming in this region and allow for more accurate future predictions of climate change. Her work is alongside collaborators from Brown University and Florida State University and will include multiple UMW undergraduate students – and yes, that means a field trip to the tropical Pacific!
UMW Represents at Joint CPRC/HDC Chapter SETAC 2022 Spring Meeting

Two EESC undergraduate students have won awards for their presentations at the Joint Chesapeake-Potomac Regional Chapter and Hudson-Delaware Chapter SETAC 2022 Spring Meeting which was held in Newark, DE from April 11th- April 12th. Presentations were judged by professionals in academia, governmental institutions, and private industry and included competition with Masters and Ph.D. students. Carolyn Willmore (Junior- EESC) won 1st place in the poster competition with her abstract titled “Assessing the Presence and Concentration of Anthropogenic Contaminants Near the Crows Nest Natural Area Preserve (Stafford, VA).” Sophia Weldi (Senior- EESC) won 2nd place in the poster competition with her abstract titled “Comparing the Impacts of Common Deicing agents NaCl and MgCl2 on the Viability, Embryonic Development, and Behavior of the Freshwater Gastropod Physa acuta.” Pamela Daniels (Senior- EESC) and Katherine Wolfe (Recent alumni- EESC) also presented a poster titled “Assessing the Effects of Aqueous Exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on the Viability, Behavior, and Heartrate of Daphnia magna.” Each student was mentored by Dr. Tyler Frankel (Assistant Professor- EESC). Please congratulate them when you see them!
EESC Faculty Member Awarded Grant from Morris Animal Foundation

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tyler Frankel (Assistant Professor- EESC) has been awarded a $92,037 First Award Wildlife Grant by the Morris Animal Foundation. Designed to assist early career scientists in establishing a successful research program, the funds from this award will support an intensive two-year project examining the impacts of Virginia coal ash repositories on freshwater wetlands using cutting-edge toxicology and environmental DNA (eDNA) methods. Included in the grant are Dr. Ben Kisila (Professor – EESC) and Dr. Leanna Giancarlo (Assoc. Prof- CHEM) who will serve as faculty mentors.
EESC Students Present At Roundtable Symposium

EESC Majors Claire Bradley, Pam Daniels, and Katherine Wolfe recently completed a summer research project with Prof. John Tippett. They delivered presentations on their project, “Underperformance of Stormwater Bioretention Practices in the Central Rappahannock Region: Causes, Effects & Solutions” to the Rappahannock Roundtable Symposium in Fredericksburg, and in a poster session at the American Water Works Association WaterJAM Conference in Virginia Beach (
In the coming months, they will be presenting their results and recommendations to the Chesapeake Watershed Forum and to the Stafford County Department of Development Services. Additional information.
For information about any of our programs contact department chair Dr. Jodie Hayob at