Research Opportunities
The University provides generous support for student research through competitive undergraduate research grants, and faculty have supported research through external funding. Every year, UMW chemistry students present their work at local, regional, and national conferences, and, where appropriate, collaborate as co-authors on peer-reviewed publications. Students interested in pursuing research should speak to individual faculty members to get information about the many projects they could be involved with.
Research for Course Credit Two main options exist for earning credit while doing research:
- Students new to research may wish to enroll in an undergraduate apprenticeships (URES197)
- Students with some experience at research may choose to pursue independent study (CHEM491)
Honors Research Seniors with a minimum major GPA of 3.25 and the support of the faculty may pursue research for graduation with departmental honors. More details can be found here.
Summer Science Research UMW has endowed funding to host the Summer Science Institute, which allows select outstanding students to spend 10 weeks during the summer conducting research in small teams with individual faculty members.
Summer Research Outside of UMW Students may also wish to pursue summer research at external institutions. The following links will take you to sites with additional information about such opportunities.