Students in Computer Science were very busy in the spring of 2023 presenting at regional conferences, competing in programming challenges, and winning!
During spring break, three UMW programming teams completed in the ACM Mid-Atlantic Regional Programming Contest on Saturday, Feb 25 at the Christopher Newport University contest site. A UMW team placed first in division II at the CNU site and 17th overall in the region. Thomas Held, Christian Jakob, and Robert Goodson solved 4 problems correctly over the 5-hour competition. The UMW teams were coached by Ian Finlayson. There were 9 division II teams at the CNU site and 42 in the region.
Later in March, four UMW Computer Science students presented and more than a dozen attended the Capital Region Women in Computing Conference, supported by funds donated from our generous UMW Computer Science alumni. Eleanor Haas, a senior Cybersecurity major, won first place for her flash talk and Rachel Potter, a senior Digital Studies major/Computer Science minor, and Laman Aliyeva, a freshman international student, received honorable mention for their flash talk. UMW Assistant Professor, Veena Ravishankar, is the conference co-chair, and UMW Associate Professor, Jessica Zeitz is a past co-chair and organized the UMW students who attended.
Toward the end of the semester, UMW teams participated in the American Statistical Association DataFest competition, April 14-16th. The American Statistical Association (ASA) DataFest is a celebration of data in which teams of undergraduates work around the clock to find and share meaning in a large, rich, and complex data set. The UMW team of Thomas Held, Eric Bae, Alip Kalikun, and Nolan Miller (below, left side) placed first for Best Statistical Method.
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