Research and creativity projects with faculty mentors, earning credits off campus, and partner programs that lead to graduate and professional degrees: Our students take their liberal arts learning at Mary Washington beyond the classroom.
Dr. Stephen Farnsworth (UMW Prof. of Political Science) introduces U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger to students in Monroe Hall
Students interested in Political Science and International Affairs at the University of Mary Washington have long taken advantage of UMW’s prime geographic location between Washington, D.C. and Richmond, and two recent interactions between UMW students and Virginia lawmakers have underscored the unique access that our students have.
On Monday, March 27, 2023, U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger (VA-7) spoke with students in Professor Ranjit Singh’s Intro to Political Science and Professor Rosalyn Cooperman’s American Public Policy classes. Rep. Spanberger spoke briefly about the District and her work as the Representative for the district that includes Fredericksburg. Students had an opportunity to interact with the congresswoman and ask questions.
Earlier in March, UMW Student Government Association President and Political Science Major Joey Zeldin organized a trip for members of the SGA to Capitol Hill. The group toured all three of the Senate Office Buildings where the offices of Senators and Senate committees are, passing by some notable figures in these buildings, including U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who stopped to say hi to the group, and U.S. Senator Tom Carper of Delaware. They toured the Capitol building itself, standing in places like Statuary Hall, the old chamber for the US House of Representatives, the Capitol Rotunda, and the old chamber of the Supreme Court. The group also paid a visit to U.S. Senator Mark Warner’s office as well. Zeldin, who interned for U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia in the summer of 2022 commented on the most exciting part of the day for him:
“Our favorite part of the tour was running into Senator Kaine. I interned for him over the summer and am familiar with most of his staff, and we were walking to the Capitol building when we quite literally crossed paths with him at the intersection of Constitution and Delaware Avenue. He not only recognized who I was, but also realized quickly that I had brought a delegation of Mary Washington students with me and asked about our trip here. He expressed his excitement about having Mary Wash students on campus, and reminisced on the Civil Rights Trail event he attended a few weeks ago. He asked if we wanted to get a picture, and we could not say no!”
UMW SGA students meet Senator Tim Kaine
Zeldin concluded: “This trip allowed the SGA team to get a look and feel for what the legislative process looks like on the federal level and to provide an enriching opportunity for members who are either Political Science majors or have a career choice related to legislation/government.”
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