Music Scholarships
This year we will hold scholarship auditions for incoming intended music majors in two ways: recordings submitted by Wednesday, March 12, 2025 (with a follow-up Zoom interview on March 16) and live auditions/interviews on the afternoon of Sunday, March 16. These are for the Amelia B. Walford Music Scholarship and the Henry and Grace Spicer Scholarship.
Click here for details.
Over the years, UMW alumni and other benefactors have given generously to support students involved in music here.
There are more than twenty named music scholarships which specify a variety of recipients. The list below indicates eligibility.
Nina G. Bushnell (’37) Scholarship: a rising junior major in art, theater or music
Carolyn Ann Williams Carr (’45) Scholarship: music major with outstanding performance ability and financial need
Polly Updegraff Champ (’61) Scholarship: a major in theater, music, or art, from outside of the state of VA, with preference toward someone working toward teacher certification
Dr. and Mrs. Soon Dai Choi Scholarship: incoming student interested in pursuing music degree with financial need
Anne F. Hamer Scholarship: rising junior or senior music majors (minimum 3.0 GPA)
June Davis McCormick (’49) Scholarship: vocal students (minimum 3.5 GPA)
Patricia P. Norwood, Ph.D. Scholarship in Music
UMW Performing Arts in the Community Scholarship
Monika D. Scott (’44) Scholarship
Elizabeth P. Tillary Memorial Scholarship
Aurelia B. Walford Scholarship in Music: intended music majors, awarded based on academic merit and performance ability
Henry and Grace Spicer Scholarship: either music majors or members of the UMW Philharmonic
Jazz 4 Justice Jazz Band Scholarship: members of UMW Jazz Band
UMW Celtic Arts Scholarship: member of the Eagle Pipe Band
UMW Philharmonic Scholarships
Susan & George Colby Philharmonic Scholarship: member of the UMW Philharmonic
Martha Johnson Orchestra Scholarship: member of the UMW Philharmonic
Charles A. & Lenore Kramer Orchestra Scholarship: UMW Philharmonic violinist, asst. to concertmaster
Virginia H. Powell UMW Philharmonic Scholarship: members of the UMW Philharmonic with financial need
Russell-Sabetty Orchestra Scholarship: rising juniors and seniors demonstrating leadership in the UMW Philharmonic
Prince B. Woodard Orchestra Scholarship: members of the UMW Philharmonic
In addition, there are two cash awards given at the end of each academic year:
Anne and Sidney Hamer Music Award: the music major with the highest overall GPA
Zorbaugh Choral Award: a rising junior or senior for excellent leadership and interest in choral and church music.
Also students may be awarded Departmental Honors at graduation. These are awarded following this process:
In a case of exceptional merit, a student may be awarded Departmental Honors at graduation. To qualify for Departmental Honors, the student must have a 3.5 average for all music courses applying to the music major through the semester before graduation, and a 3.0 overall institutional average through the semester before graduation, and successfully undertake a substantial independent project in music (research, performance, composition, technology, etc., or a combination of any of these). Any music faculty member may initiate the request for consideration. This request must be made at least 7 weeks before the student’s graduation. Upon substantial completion of the student’s honor’s project, full-time faculty will vote on the application for honors (granted by majority vote). If deemed worthy of Honors, the department chair will notify the Office of Student Records to that effect. The student will provide a digital final version of their honors project for archiving at Simpson Library.