The Department of Music at UMW hosts many performing ensembles.
Participation is not limited to Music majors, but some auditions are required. In addition, some ensembles are open to community members in Fredericksburg. Some ensembles require students to audition each year to demonstrates student abilities. For audition information in Fall or Spring semester, contact the individual ensemble directors via email.
The music department offers a range of performing ensembles directed by faculty, and open by audition:
MUPR 252 UMW Chorus (Treble voices)
MUPR 250 Fredericksburg Singers
MUPR 255 Chamber Choir
MUPR 280 UMW Philharmonic Orchestra
MUPR 282 Concert Band
MUPR 260 String Ensemble
MUPR 261 Guitar Ensemble
MUPR 262 Flute Ensemble
MUPR 265 Jazz Improvisation Workshop
MUPR 268 Brass Ensemble
MUPR 270 Percussion Ensemble
MUPR 275 World Music Workshop: 2020-21 offerings (both semesters) are MUPR 275A Indian Music Ensemble and MUPR 275B The Eagle Pipe Band (Twitter: @MWEaglePipeBand)
The Music Department is pleased to support other ensembles on campus:
One Note Stand (student a cappella group)
BellACapella (student a cappella group)
Symfonics (student a cappella group)
Voices of Praise (student gospel ensemble)