Geography courses count toward several minors and some have advisors within the Geography department.
The Climate Science Minor is suitable for students who want to study sub-fields of climatology in graduate school or want more knowledge on climate change discussions. Please see Dr. Nicholas (Monroe 314; jnichola@umw.edu) for more information.
The Environmental Sustainability minor includes a number of geography courses.
The GIS Certificate is similar to a minor in that it can be taken alongside any major. It is different from a minor in that it is available to non-degree seeking students. Courses are mostly taught within the geography department and the program can be taken entirely through evening courses.
The Latin American Studies minor includes two geography courses. Please see Dr. Bowen for more information (Monroe 311; dbowen@umw.edu)
The Middle Eastern Studies minor seeks to familiarize students with the histories, geographies, religions, cultures, arts, languages, and politics of the region known as the Middle East. Please see Dr. Rouhani (Monroe 323; frouhani@umw.edu) for more information.
The Social Justice minor includes a number of geography courses.
The Urban Studies minor includes courses from a number of disciplines and is designed for students who are interested in the historical, social, cultural, economic and political contexts and processes of cities. Please see Dr. Patterson (Monroe 324; mpatters@umw.edu) for more information.