Classics Program Ranked #1 in the Nation in Student Ranking

We’re humbled and honored to be mentioned with some of the great undergraduate programs in our discipline, and we must have some very enthusiastic students out there to thank for nominating and supporting us for this award.  Students who come to UMW for Classics join a tight, supportive community of learners in the major.  They work closely with faculty and with each other to develop core skills that help them get where they need to go in life.  They are challenged to figure themselves out, to find answers to the big questions, above all, how to make a difference in their communities.  More broadly, studying the challenges, successes, and intricacies of the world’s first “democracy” and “republic” in Athens and Rome, respectively, is excellent preparation for engaged, informed, responsible civic participation in their own democratic Republic.  We are a proud part of a powerful humanities curriculum in the College of Arts and Sciences at UMW; in particular, we benefit deeply from our intimate association with Philosophy and Religious Studies in our shared department.  But we are only ever as good as our students, past and present.  We have been very lucky in that regard.

Joseph Romero (Professor of Classics, Department Chair, Classics, Philosophy, & Religious Studies; Liane Houghtalin, Professor of Classics; Angela Pitts, Professor of Classics)

College Magazine, “I Came, I Saw, I Crushed This Major: CM’s Top 10 Best Classics Schools”