The HISP Department has a large collection of specialized equipment accessible to students and located in the equipment closet in Combs Hall #136 (the Preservation Suite). The equipment includes items like digital cameras, measuring tapes, microphones, molding combs, etc. and is available to students during working hours. Borrowing from the equipment library requires students to follow department lending policies (see handbook) including checking items out using the lending computer. If you have any questions about checking an item out please feel free to contact the student aides or the the Department’s Administrative Assistant.
Equipment List:
The borescope is a flexible fiber-optic camera that allows for the investigation of historic materials and structural systems through small openings. Static images as well as video of findings can be produced.
Cameras (Nikon D-40, D-50, D-70 and D-3200):
The department has a wide array of digital SLR cameras available for checkout by students. Students learn the basics of using the cameras, including manual functions in HISP 205, Documentation and Fieldwork.
Large clipboards used for field drawings are available for students to checkout as are a number of letter sized clipboards.
Data-Loggers (Onset/HOBO):
These environmental data-loggers measure light intensity, relative humidity, temperature and dew point.
Disto (laser range finder):
The department as a number of Leica distos that can be used by students to assist in the measuring of historic structures. The benefit of these laser measuring devices is the increased accuracy with an additional plus of not needing to drag tape over furniture or place in tight spaces.
Hand Scanner:
Portable hand scanners are available for checkout and are helpful in scanning documents that should not be taken off-site. Remember to always ask permission prior to scanning documents.
Infrared Camera (FLIR i-50):
Once trained students have the opportunity to use the departments infrared camera to assist in identifying concealed structural systems as well as moisture issues. The camera works by evaluating the IR spectrum rather than visible light.
Measuring Poles:
Measuring poles are useful for measuring large vertical distances.
Measuring Tapes (35’-100’)
Both 35’ and 100’ measuring tapes are available for students to checkout from the equipment closet.
Merge Cube
The department as a number of merge cubes which allow for models created using department software to be viewed via smart phones in a truly augmented application.
Microscopes and Cameras:
The department has a number of microscopes with camera attachments available for students to use in the conservation lab. This method of investigation is particularly useful for wood identification.
Microsecond Timer/Time-of-Flight (TOF)
Developed by the timber industry, TOF works by measuring the time it takes a wave to travel from a transducer to the receiver. The premise is that the wave will move more slowly (or go around) areas of rot thereby increasing times.
Misc. Equipment:
Among some of the larger pieces of equipment are smaller items such as flashlights, compasses, plumb-bobs and line-levels that are also available for checkout by students.
Moisture Meters:
The department has a number of Delmhorst moisture meters including the QuickNav 2.0 which has a special non-destructive scan feature (qualitative) for moisture readings.
Molding Combs:
A variety of different sized molding combs/profiles can be checked out by students to assist with documentation.
Oculus Go, VR Headsets:
While not yet available for checkout, the department does posses 12 Oculus GO VR headsets for use in certain classes including HISP 345, Computer Applications. While not as robust as other VR systems the Oculus Go is a cost effective, untethered system which allows the department to begin experimenting with this new form of dissemination.
The Oce plotter/scanner allows for large documents to be scanned at relatively high resolution. Measured drawings as well as Display mockups are also plotted using this piece of equipment.
Resistance Drill:
Used initially by the timber industry to evaluate standing trees the resistance drill has been adapted for conservation purposes. With a 3mm drill bit, decay (low resistance) can to determined within a piece of lumber. The results are presented as a chart showing high and low levels of resistance at a 1:1 scale.
Total Station (Leica)
Students use the department’s reflectorless total station in conjunction with AutoCAD and FARO “As Built” software to obtain accurate field measurements which are easily translated into measured drawings.
Students in archaeology courses learn the basics of using the department’s laser transits to layout grids and conduct site surveys.
The department has a series of different sized tripods available for checkout.
Screens and Shovels:
Archaeology students utilize the department’s screens and shovels during site excavations.
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