On-line Archival Resources

Fredericksburg Resources
- Online Research Resources– Digitized Fredericksburg resources including building permits, census lists, city directories, various newspapers, pictures and much more
- Central Rappahannock Heritage Center– Access to regional archives and other local material
- Central Rappahannock Regional Library History Resources– Includes a partial online version of the Library’s Virginiana Collection
- Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc.
Digitized Resources
- Probate Inventory Bibliography
- Vernacular Architecture Newsletter Bibliography
- Mutual Assurance Policies 1796-1865
- Index of Building Specifications and Contract Documents
- Franklin County, Indiana Probate Inventories
- Ripley County, Indiana Probate Inventories
- Dearborn County, Indiana Probate Inventories
- 17th Century Virginia– Room-by-Room Inventory
- 18th Century Virginia-Room-by-Room Inventory
- 19th Century Virginia-Room-by-Room Inventory
- Charleston, South Carolina, 1787-1820-Room-by-Room Inventory
- Builders’ Price Book
- Richmond and Alexandria Builders’ Price Book
- Architect and Builder’s Vade-Mecum and Book of Reference
Historic Preservation Links Beyond UMW
- Antique Doorknob Collectors of America
- American Cultural Resources Association
- American Association of Museums
- HABS/HAER/HALS Collection
- Library of Congress
- Library of Virginia
- National Archives
- National Barn Alliance
- National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
- Preservation Directory
- Preservation Virginia
- State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO)
- Virginia Department of Historic Resources
- Virginia Museum of History & Culture
- U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center
- U.S. Geological Survey
Journals Related to Historic Preservation
- American Historical Review
- Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
- Journal of Architectural Historians
- Journal of Historical Archaeology
- Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology
- Planning Commissioners Journal
International Preservation