Booker T. Washington National Monument, Tobacco Barn Documentation and Material Integrity Assessment
Funding: $14,924
Begun during the summer of 2021, the documentation and integrity assessment of the Booker T. Washington National Monument Tobacco Barn concluded at the end of the spring 2022 semester. During the project Historic Preservation student Hannah St. Onge assisted Professor Michael Spencer in producing measured drawings of the barn. These measured drawings were then used, in conjunction with archival research and physical investigations, to convey material integrity as well as condition in preparation for repair work scheduled for the summer of 2022.

2022 Cemetery Conservation and Restoration Workshop
Planned in partnership with the Fredericksburg City Cemetery, this event continued to build upon previous workshops. Students and local residents attended classroom lectures and hands-on sessions conducted by Robert Mosko, founder and owner of Mosko Cemetery Monument Services, which specializes in preserving, conserving, restoring and rehabilitating historical cemeteries and monuments.
Mortar Re-pointing Workshop at the Mary Washington House
During the spring of 2022 the University of Mary Washington, Center for Historic Preservation partnered with the Washington Heritage Museums and Dominion Traditional Building Group to one again conduct a mortar re-pointing workshop. The objective of the workshop was to provide Historic Preservation students with a free, hands-on opportunity to learn traditional lime re-pointing methods. At the same time the workshop would address needed Portland cement remediation on the rear (west elevation) of the historic Mary Washington House.

Cultural Landscapes Inventory Summer Field School – Prince William Forest Park (NPS)
Funding: $98,000
During the summers of 2019 and 2020 University of Mary Washington Historic Preservation and GIS students worked with Professor Michael Spencer and National Park Service personnel at Prince William Forest Park to conduct a series of cultural landscape inventories for the parks C.C.C. era cabin camps. During this time students honed their research and documentation skills as well as learned new methods associated with the interpretation of large scale landscapes. These new methods included learning how to use GPS in conjunction with cultural landscape survey methods defined by the National Park Service.

Dendrochronology Study at the Mary Washington House
Simply put, dendrochronology is an accepted method of dating historic buildings using tree rings. While there is lots of science and database creation behind this process, UMW students were just exposed to the basics during a fall 2018 study of the Mary Washington House done by Oxford Dendrochronology Laboratory. This study was funded in part by the Center for Historic Preservation as well as the Stuart Jones Charitable Trust. Ultimately the south wing of the Mary Washington House, where Mary lived, was dated to 1759, indicating that it was built by none other than Fielding Lewis!

Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference (REARC)
The Center for Historic Preservation helped support the Reconstructive and Experimental Archaeology Conference during the start of the fall 2019 semester. This conference provided UMW students an opportunity to try their hand at using some of the historic techniques used to manufacture items which they not only study but might one day excavate. Such experiences offer additional insight and allow for a deeper understanding of cultural artifacts.
Permanent Museum Exhibition “For the People Had a Mind to Work”: A Century of African American Education in Spotsylvania County – John J. Wright Education and Cultural Center, Spotsylvania, Virginia
Funding: $3,000
The Center for Historic Preservation serves as a grantee in applications for external funding that support student-faculty projects. A $3,000 grant from Virginia Humanities made possible the completion of a new permanent exhibition at John J. Wright Museum in Spotsylvania. 250 sq.ft. of new museum displays were planned and installed by Professor Cristina Turdean and the students enrolled in her Museum Exhibitions course in Spring 2019.

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