Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) students may choose one of the more than 40 majors available in the College of Arts and Sciences (with the exception of Nursing) or may create a self-designed, interdisciplinary major (subject to the approval of the Bachelor of Liberal Studies Committee). BLS students may also select the exclusive Leadership and Management major, only open to BLS students.
Major Graduation Requirements
Students must earn a grade-point average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 in the major area. Transfer students must earn at least half of their major credits from UMW courses. BLS students earning a double major may use up to nine (9) credits from the primary major to satisfy requirements in the secondary major.
Declaring a Major
To declare a major, complete the Major Declaration form found on the Registrar’s Forms page.
After a student declares a major, he or she will see a major advisor for subsequent advising sessions. The major advisor will provide the student with registration advising and release the registration hold each semester, which will allows students to register for the next semester’s classes. The student may also meet with the BLS Advisor to receive BLS-specific advising on BLS general education requirements and flexible options for meeting degree requirements.
A list of majors is available in the Academic Catalog.
Students may change their major by submitting a new Major Declaration form.
Declaring a Minor
To declare a minor, complete the Minor Declaration form found on the Registrar’s Forms page.
You do not need a department chair’s signature to declare a minor unless the form indicates that you do. There are only three minors that require a signature: Arts Administration, Business Administration, and Digital Studies.
A list of minors is available in the Academic Catalog.
Students may change or drop their minor by submitting a new Minor Declaration form.