Welcome to the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.
Marcel Rotter, Department Chair
Whether you are only taking one class or wanting to complete a major / minor, or have questions about study abroad opportunities, you have come to the right place.
Below are quick facts to start your search.
Click the links and explore…you never know just where it can lead.
Languages offered:
Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese
B.A. Degree in Modern Foreign Languages in
French, German, Spanish
*Students can also request a special major in Italian Studies
Minors in:
Arabic, French, Business French, German, Business German, Spanish, Business Spanish
Study Abroad opportunities:
UMW in Spain, UMW in France, UMW in Québec, UMW in Austria
Exchange Program Opportunities:
See current list with the Center for International Education.
Global Seal of Biliteracy
We credential with the Global Seal of Biliteracy.
The Global Seal of Biliteracy is an international credential that conveys proficiency with language skills in two or more languages for our qualifying candidates. This credential offers a competitive advantage for bilingual individuals by helping them earn scholarships, higher pay, advanced placement, increased study abroad opportunities and so much more. The Global Seal is and will be FREE for all.
To learn more about the Global Seal of Biliteracy visit their website at www.theglobalseal.com.
Certificate Program in Spanish for Health Care Professionals
The certificate program will enable students to communicate effectively in Spanish in medical settings such as hospitals, doctor’s offices, or home-care. Students with previous Intermediate proficiency will advance during the course of studies to, at least, the Advanced-Low level while acquiring specialized vocabulary, structures, and language pragmatics typically found in the medical field. Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge as nurses, nurse-practitioners, physicians, medical administrators, and front-office staff in medical offices. Furthermore, members of medical teams on missions in South America should find the skills gained through the certificate useful.
Email: MDLL@umw.edu for more information.
Hours & Info
1301 College Ave
Combs Hall – 2nd Floor
Fredericksburg, VA. 22401
540 654-1032
Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm