Director: Doug Gately
The ensemble is made up of students majoring in all areas of study. The UMW Jazz Ensemble performs contemporary jazz arrangements as well as standard big band literature. Members receive instruction in performance techniques, jazz history, theory, improvisation, and an analysis of elements of style and interpretation of music found within the jazz idiom. The Ensemble performs for various events on and off campus. Major concerts are presented each semester. In the fall the ensemble presents the Jazz 4 Justice™ concert and in the spring the UMW Jazz Ensemble hosts the annual UMW Jazz Festival, performing with national and international “name” Jazz Artists. Within this ensemble are smaller groups that perform at various events on and off campus. The ensemble is open to all students by audition.
UMW’s Jazz Ensemble as joined with the Fredericksburg Area Bar Association and Legal Aid Works (formerly Rappahannock Legal Services) to present a special concert, Jazz 4 Justice™.
For more information contact the UMW Music Dept. at (540) 654 – 1012