Dianne Baker, Ph. D.
Professor of Biology
338 Jepson Science Center
University of Mary Washington
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Office: (540) 654-1533
Dianne Baker, Professor of Biology, is an animal physiologist who joined the department in 2006. She completed her graduate studies at the University of Washington, earning a M.S. for her research in fish immunology, and a Ph.D. for her research on hormonal regulation of fish growth and reproductive development. In her postdoctoral training at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, her research focused on neuroendocrine control of growth and reproduction, and she is continuing this research at UMW. Dianne teaches Biological Concepts (Biol 121 and 122), Human Physiology (Biol 385) and Physiological Adaptations (Biol 434).