2019 Campus Weeks “Wunderbar Together”
I. In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, UMW’s German program with financial support from the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. is delighted to present the following events.
Film Screenings:
- October 1, 4pm (HCC-Digital Auditorium) “From Marks and Spencer to Marx and Engels” (57’)
- October 8, 11am (HCC-Digital Auditorium) and 4pm (Lee Hall 411) “From Us to Me” (90’) – With Ellin Hare (Amber Film Collective)
In 1988, the British film cooperative Amber and the East German DEFA film studios agreed on a project: the DEFA would film workers in Newcastle upon Thyne, Amber would interview two collectives in Rostock, East Germany. Amber’s resulting film was called “From Marks and Spencer to Marx and Engels.”
Almost 30 years later, in 2016, Amber went back to Rostock to interview the same people and learn about their experiences with the unification of Germany. This film was named “From Us to Me.” We are fortunate to have Ellin Hare from the Amber film collective present on October 8 to answer questions about the documentary.
- November 5, 4-7pm (room tbd) “Good Bye, Lenin” – With Matthias Wehler, Press Secretary of the German Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Two exhibitions at the link between HCC and Simpson Library will accompany this year’s events:
September 23 – October 11 “Understanding the Border” – The construction and function of the inner-German border
November 4-15 “Totally East / Voll der Osten” – Life in East Germany
II. In celebration of 100 years of women’s suffrage in Germany, UMW’s German program with financial support from the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. is delighted to present the following events.
- October 17 (time, room tbd.) Talk by Jenny Taylor (College of William and Mary) “The Robotic Woman”