The Center for Historic Preservation is hosting its second lecture of the PresTech lecture series on Wednesday, November 11th. PresTech lectures focus on the newest technology being used in the field of preservation. Scott Diaz, the Director of Business Development for FARO Technologies, will be coming to discuss laser scanning. "Capturing Reality: Cutting Edge Technology for Architecture and Heritage Documentation" will be held in Combs 139 from 5:30-6:30pm. All PresTech lectures are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided beforehand. More details can be found on our Facebook event. … [Read more...]
Spring 2015 Newsletter
The spring newsletter for the Department of Historic Preservation is out now! In it, you will find a section on Professor Stanton's retirement, a history of Monroe Hall, an article on the day trip to Colonial Williamsburg, and news from the Historic Preservation Club. Spring 2015 Newsletter 4.17.15 … [Read more...]
Williamsburg Day Trip
A few weekends ago, two full vans of students had the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at Colonial Williamsburg's conservation labs, buildings closed to the public, and storage facilities. Matt Webster, a HISP program alumnus, is now the director of architectural resources for Colonial Williamsburg and was kind enough to show students around while telling them all about projects he's encountered and what each department within the labs does on a daily basis. It was a beautiful day and getting to see conservation of everything from small children's toys to whole buildings was fantastic. Thanks to CHP for funding the trip, Professor Sanford and Julie Coates for organizing it, and especially Matt Webster for a wonderful day! … [Read more...]
Emerging Trends in Historic Preservation and Why They Matter
Linda Stevenson, the principal architect for Stevenson Architects, will be speaking on how the field of historic preservation needs to do in order to combat the environmental and social challenges that are facing our historic places and communities in the 21st century. Dr. Stevenson will be addressing social and climate change, resource depletion, and population growth and their impacts on heritage buildings. Please join us for another lecture by an assistant professor candidate! … [Read more...]
Resilience in Historic Preservation and Heritage Tourism: The Case of Alcatraz Island
Due to inclement weather, Carolina Manrique's public presentation will be rescheduled for February 26th at 5pm in Combs 112 Carolina Manrique, a PhD candidate in Architecture from Texas A&M University, will be speaking on the idea of "resilience" and the movement to change heritage tourism into a more sustainability-oriented field. Manrique is an architect who has studied building technology and the structural analysis of monuments and historical constructions. Please come to Combs 112 this Wednesday at 5pm as we welcome our second professor candidate for the Historic Preservation department. She will be available for questions after a 45 minute long lecture. … [Read more...]
Atlantic Perspectives and Digital Technologies in Historic Preservation and Architectural History
Come see one of the candidates for the Assistant Professor position give his public presentation on Atlantic Perspectives and Digital Technologies in Historic Preservation and Architectural History! Dr. Brent Fortenberry has had long-term involvement with architectural history, architectural documentation and preservation, as well as community-based preservation. He's worked everywhere from Colonial Williamsburg to Bermuda! Dr. Fortenberry is currently a Preservation Fellow in the graduate Historic Preservation program at Clemson University as well as a Visiting Researcher with the Department of Archaeology at Boston University. He will give a 45 minute lecture and then be available for questions. Feedback is more than welcome and should be sent to Your input is important in this process as the department searches for a new addition to their faculty! … [Read more...]
Preservation Easements 101
Jess R. Phelps is coming to the University of Mary Washington on January 28th to discuss his career in preservation easements. His legal background alongside his interest in historic preservation has led him to a career focused on easements. Preservation easements are restrictions put in place to protect and preserve historically, architecturally, or archaeologically significant structures. His lecture will be given in Combs Hall 237 from 5-6:30pm. … [Read more...]
Fall 2014 Newsletter
UMW's Historic Preservation Newsletter for Fall 2014 is available below! In this issue we congratulate the recent graduates, give updates on campus buildings, alumni, Stratford Hall Plantation field school, and the HISP club. There are also a few entries from current students sharing stories from their summer internships. If you would like to receive a digital copy please fill out this form so that you can be added to the email list! Enjoy and be on the look out for the Spring Newsletter! Fall 2014 Newsletter 10.30.14 … [Read more...]
Alumna aids Fannie Roots’ historic cottage to open doors
Fannie Roots lived in a cottage on the corner of Washington Street and U.S. 17 in Falmouth for her entire life. The structure was almost demolished but protests led it to be preserved as one of the last examples of the "working man's home" from the late 19th century. The original structure was made of log beams and a fieldstone foundation. Roots used the wooden stove to provide most of the heating and cooking, but she did eventually install electric lights and a heating-oil tank. UMW graduate and site preservation manager at Gari Melchers’ Belmont, Beate Ankjær–Jensen, has been working to preserve the building and is trying to find out as much as possible about Roots' life as she can. Roots worked for Gari and Corinne Melchers as a gardener, was active in civil rights efforts, and attended almost every Board of Supervisors meeting. More here: … [Read more...]
Ghost Walk
Announcing the Historic Preservation Club's 30th annual Ghostwalk! This year, the event will run on October 24th (6-10PM) and October 25th (5-10PM) at the James Monroe Museum on Charles Street. Tickets may be reserved ahead of time by e-mailing the club at or by calling (540) 654-1315. It's a wonderful way to have some spooky fun with your family or a few friends! … [Read more...]