Carole Garmon
Sculpture, Video, Professional Practices
Melchers Hall 204
(540) 654-2036
Carole Garmon, Professor of Art, holds an MFA (1996) and a BFA (1993) in sculpture from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has taught at UMW since 1998 and is a recipient of UMW’s Outstanding Young Faculty Member Award. She teaches a senior capstone course, Professional Practices in Studio Art along with all areas of sculpture, video, performance, and installation art. She is a member of the College Art Association and the National Council of Art Administrators.
Garmon’s research acknowledgements include the accessioning of select images and research materials on Rembrandt into the Rijks Museum Library in Amsterdam, Holland, and participating in a BBC 2 documentary on Rembrandt’s painting, The Night Watch. The segment is part of the larger series, The Private Life of the Masterpiece. She was one of two Americans chosen to participate in the international exhibition, Inspired By Rembrandt, commemorating Rembrandt’s 400th birthday. In addition to numerous private collections, her work has been exhibited at the Main Art Gallery and 1708 Gallery in Richmond, the WPA/Corcoran Museum in Washington, D.C., the Arlington Arts Center, as well as Lima, Peru and Berlin, Germany.