Here’s a list of common questions. If you have a question that this page doesn’t answer, please use the contact form to get in touch.
Q: Can I major in Digital Studies?
A: Currently, Digital Studies is a Minor which anyone can declare. If you’d like to major in Digital Studies (or Digital Media Studies, for example), you may pursue a Special Major.
Q: How do I declare a Minor in Digital Studies?
A: First, fill out a Major/Minor Declaration Form (available at the Registrar’s Office at Lee Hall or for download from their webpage). Then, get it signed by the Program Director, Zach Whalen (Combs 308), and deliver it back to the Registrar’s office.
Q: Is Digital Studies a Computer Science Minor?
A: No. The Computer Science Department has its own major programs and a Minor in Computer Science. Computer Science curriculum teaches programming and other skills that prepare students for a career in programming, engineering or data management. Digital Studies, by contrast, is an interdisciplinary minor focused in traditional Humanities disciplines. In Digital Studies courses, students use digital tools and concepts to support discipline-specific inquiry.
Q: How many of my Major courses can also count toward a Digital Studies minor?
A: There can be no more than two courses overlapping credit between any Major or Minor.