Congratulations and good luck to economics students presenting their research at economic conferences this year. At the Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference in Boston, Theodosius Zotos will be presenting his paper, Is Macroeconomics Broken?, which is an analysis of the 2008 financial crisis. Christian Potter will be presenting his paper, The Economic Effects of a Nation Wide […]
The Economics Club in Action
The UMW Economics Club sponsored the movie “Too Big to Fail” in November.
Meet and Greet with Richmond Fed
The Career Center will be hosting the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond for a ‘Lunch and Learn’ event on Thursday, March 1st from 12:30-1:30 in the University Center Capital Room. Pizza and Drinks will be served! They will be discussing its role in daily life, consumer accountability, and the JOBS available for UMW graduates.
Issues in Political Economy: 2018 Information
Issues in the Political Economy is a student-run undergraduate research journal. For more information check out our page. January 15th, 2018- Submission deadline for presentation at IPE’s 25th Annual Conference                                             email: January 31st 2018- Deadline for research paper submission (Volume 26)                                       email: February 16th, 2018- Deadline for presenters […]
Meet Raymond Mataloni
The Economics Department of The University of Mary Washington is proud to have Dr. Raymond J. Mataloni Jr. as an adjunct Instructor. Dr. Mataloni has taught Principles of Microeconomics (Econ 202) and Investment Analysis (Econ 322) at the College of Arts and Sciences for the past few years. As an alumnus of Mary Washington, Dr. […]
2017 Department Awards and Honors
This year’s students that were honored with department awards are Victoria Sheil, Adam Smith Award Danielle Capra, Henry W. Heweston Award Jessica Marshall, James Harvey Dodd Award Brittany McBride, Fred E. Miller Memorial Scholarship Allison Jakubek, Richard George Allgaier Scholarship Congratulations Eagles! Click here for more information on awards offered by the economics department