Andrew Dolby, Ph. D.
Professor of Biology
332 Jepson Sciences Center
University of Mary Washington
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Office Phone: (540) 654-1420
*Email is preferred contact method.
Spring 2023 Office Hours: 10:00 -11:00 MW & 3:30-5:00 TR (or by appointment)
Andrew Dolby is a behavioral ecologist who holds a Ph. D. from The Ohio State University. Andrew became a member of the department in 2000 and is now Professor of Biology. In collaboration with Dr. Parrish waters, Dr. Dolby’s current research examines the physiological challenges of bird migration by comparing permanent resident and migratory Canada Geese. Andrew teaches Biological Concepts (Biol 121), Introduction to Ecology & Evolution (Biol 210), Ornithology (Biol 427), Animal Behavior (Biol 401), Ecology and Evolution in the Galapagos Islands (Biol 423), Evolution (Biol 442), Senior Seminar (Biol 451), and Tropical Ecology (Biol 424).