
Edwina Parker Bachschmid ’45, took classes toward a Master’s degree in English and Speech. eebach@aol.com

Ruth P. Butler (Meyer) ’47, earned a Master’s Degree from Clark University in 1948. She became a high school teacher and taught speech, drama, English, and American History. She is retired and living in Arlington, TX.

Virginia Pinchbeck Covington ’47, retired from teaching in the Chesterfield school system in 1982. She now volunteers once a week, teaching reading to second graders. va.covington@netzero.com.

Ruth Capen Hartman ’42, has operated a small business for the past 25 years called Herbs-Earths Creations. She worked as a Time Study Engineer in a war plant after graduation and then as a nutritionist for Beech Nut.

Margaret E. Sweeney (Elliott) ’49, earned an MS from the School of Library Service at Columbia University. After raising three children, she became an elementary school librarian. She has been active in community theatre in Delaware and now in Ilion, NY as an actress and a director.

Margaret M. Thompson ’41, earned her MA from George Washington University and her PhD from the University of Iowa. She taught for 46 years in Virginia public schools and colleges throughout the country. She was also a visiting professor of research in motor development and curriculum at the University of Sao Paulo and the Institute of Bio-sciences in Rio Claro, both in Brazil. mmthomps@uiuc.edu.

Jane Cleeland Willis ’47, lives in Harrisburg, PA. She has two sons and six grandchildren.

Ann Gregg Woods ’48, earned her Master of Letters in Retailing from the University of Pittsburgh. She lives in Richmond, VA.