Honors Theses

Honors Theses


Jeremy Engel, Presidential Power Reconsidered: A Contemporary Look at Neustadtian Bargaining

Rebecca Fitzgerald, Latinas in Congress: Lack of Party Support and Disproportionate Underrepresentation

Molly Gehman, The History and Workings of Virginia’s Community Services Boards

John Huebler, Trump’s 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and Trade

Rebecca Jacobi, Challenging Bosnian Women’s Identity as Rape Victims: The Fetishization of Sexual Violence in Post-Conflict Discourse

Lauren Perez, The Talk of 2016: Examining Speech Patterns within the 2016 American Presidential Election

Zachary Handlin, Education about the Constitution in Virginia Public Schools:

Curriculum and its Implications for Democracy



Stacey Feindt, “Detained by Data: A Critical Analysis of the Virginia Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument”

Gabriel Lewis, “State Innovation Waivers: Examining the Efficacy of Federalist Approaches to the Affordable Care Act”

Julia Gibbons, “”Female Secondary School Stipend Programs in Bangladesh and Pakistan: What can we learn from South Asia’s CCTs?” Her paper won first prize at the Undergraduate Research Forum on Women’s and Gender Studies.



Rob Wimberly, Honors thesis titled “Responding to North Korea’s Nuclear Threat.”

Caitriona Cobb, Honors thesis titled “Teaching Religion and Cultural Literacy about today’s Middle East in U.S. Schools.”